
Avoid These 10 Kitchen Island Installation Mistakes

Kitchen islands are an amazing way to add space and visual appeal to your kitchen. This is why a lot of people get a kitchen island installed. There are many things to consider when designing and installing a kitchen island. You need to choose the location, surface material, cabinets, and more. Most people choose granite countertops as the surface for their kitchen islands which is a great choice. However, not all choices made during the kitchen island installation are perfect. So, you should avoid these mistakes.

Common Kitchen Island Installation Mistakes

The Size Of The Island Isn’t Right

Firstly, you need to make sure that the dimensions of the island are 100% correct. This implies that you’re actually measuring the space you have and then you can decide whether a kitchen island will even cut it or not. Measuring the island is important because there are lots of things that can go wrong if you don’t know the right size of the kitchen island.

You want to ensure that the island is the perfect length and height for it to fit in the kitchen because if it’s too small or large, then you won’t be able to work properly in the kitchen and the functionality of the kitchen island will be compromised a lot.

So, before designing a kitchen island, always make sure that you’re double and triple checking the measurements because that’s going to be a lifesaver at the end of the day and you won’t have any problems. Moreover, it’s better to leave measurements to an expert.

You Haven’t Decided The Placement

The next mistake that many people make when designing and installing a kitchen island is the placement of the island. It’s really important to figure out where you want to put the island because that’s going to ensure the right place for the kitchen island to be functional and practical.

You can’t just put an island anywhere you want. You need to decide the right place so that it doesn’t hinder your productivity in the kitchen. This is why the right placement of the kitchen island plays a very important role and it’s something that you need to decide before actually installing it.

You Don’t Have A Clear Purpose In Mind

Kitchen islands are more than just a block of countertop material mounted at a height. There is a lot more that goes into consideration of a kitchen island and whether it’s even worth getting one or not. You need to decide what you’re going to use the kitchen island for.

There are a lot of functions of a kitchen island. You can use it as an extra storage space, you can use it as a breakfast bar to sit and have your meals, you can use it as a prep space, you can even use it host guests, and the list goes on. However, you need to decide what the kitchen island will be used for before getting it installed.

There’s No Seating

You also need to decide whether you want to have seating on the kitchen island or not. This is something that a lot of people go for, but they can sometimes forget about it. Well, seating is a great addition to your kitchen island and mostly it is included when you install the kitchen island.

However, a lot of people tend to forget about the seating aspect and that can ruin the beauty of the space. You need to plan the kitchen island design with seating if you want seating.

You Didn’t Consider The Space Well Enough

This mistake ties in with the dimension and measurement one, however, this one has to do with the space surrounding the island. You want to go for a kitchen island size that is not only going to be sufficient in size but should also leave a border around the island for you to comfortably walk around.

This is something that a lot of people can forget so they are left with a cramped kitchen where they can’t even work. This is why considering the space that would be left around the kitchen island is also extremely important.

You Forgot About Electrical Connections

Kitchen islands tend to have a lot of electrical connections too. Sometimes, they’re used as a countertop space to put appliances and there are lots of electrical connections that can help power up the appliances. If you’re using a kitchen island for that reason, then you need to make sure that you’re figuring out a way to incorporate electrical sockets in the kitchen island otherwise the space will lose one key functionality.

So, if you want to power up your appliances, then you need to have electrical connections and that’s done when the island is being installed.

There Is No Plumbing Connection

Sometimes, there is also a sink on the kitchen island or a part of it where you can drain things and even wash the dishes. This is why plumbing connections are really important to include in the kitchen island as well. This will ensure that there is water coming in the sink on the island and it has a passage to be drained.

Well, it’s a basic things but a lot of people can forget this as well and they’re left with no choice but to remove the island and then have plumbing connections installed. That’s a bummer!

The Island Doesn’t Have Storage

A kitchen island is meant to be a place for ample storage. It should have lots of drawers and cabinets to put your huge pans and other kitchen essentials. It shouldn’t be a solid block of material taking up space in the kitchen.

A lot of the time, people fail to understand this thing and they leave out the space storage aspect which is not smart at all. If you can’t use the island for storage, then it’s not a good idea to install it in the first place.

Space On The Island

Another thing that people can do, and this can happen after or before installation, is the fact that people will use the countertop space to put unnecessary things, and that destroys the purpose of a kitchen island. You want to use a kitchen island for practical reasons, not put a bunch of random things on it.

You either want to use it as an extra working station or a makeshift dining table. This is why it’s really important to know what you want to use the island for, otherwise it will only be a waste of time and money.

There’s No Proper Lighting

If there’s no light on top of the kitchen island, then how will you work? The kitchen island needs to be well-lit and bright so that you can see what you’re doing on the island. This is something that a lot of people can forget about and this can lead to the island being dark and gloomy.

However, this problem is easier to fix because you don’t need to do anything with the island. You just want to ensure that you’re thinking about the light fixtures and going for lights that are small but very bright. This can be done after the island installation as well.


A kitchen island designing and installation may seem easy, but it’s anything but. By looking out for these mistakes, you will be at ease and you’ll get the most use out of your perfect kitchen island. For flawless kitchen island installation, get in touch with granite countertop installers Potomac.



Quartz Vs. Porcelain Countertops: Which One Would Win?

Choosing countertops can be a hassle, especially if you’re confused between two materials. Well, if you’re stumped between porcelain and quartz kitchen countertops, then you need to go through this guide.

The Differences Between Quartz And Porcelain Countertops


One of the most important things to consider when choosing a countertop material is durability and strength. If a countertop is strong and durable, then it will last for years to come preventing frequent repairs, which can cost a lot in the long run.

Quartz Countertops

Quartz is one of the most durable man-made materials out there. It is a material that is scratch-resistant, doesn’t chip or break and it’s also an amazing alternative to granite if your budget doesn’t allow granite. There are just so many qualities of quartz when it comes to strength and it is truly one of the best materials you can invest your money in because they will last for a long time.

Porcelain Countertops

As far as porcelain is concerned, it is also a reasonable material with decent strength, but it’s no way near in strength to quartz. It can chip and crack easily, especially if you put too much force on it and the edges are the most fragile part of this material.

Nonetheless, it’s still an amazing pick if you want something that will look amazing in the kitchen because porcelain is one of the most beautiful materials out there.


Speaking of beauty, the beauty and appearance of a material is also a key selling point when it comes to countertops. This is why appearance also plays a huge role in determining the popularity of a material.

Quartz Countertops

Quartz is a beautiful material, so much so, that it looks like the tougher cousin of marble. The light color with washes of dark and subtle veining on the surface is to die for.

It’s made out of silica, pulverized rocks, and compacted together under high temperature and pressure to bring forth a work of art. So, you can expect a wide range of colors and patterns. Many of them are truly a treat for the eyes.

Porcelain Countertops

Porcelain is even more beautiful than quartz. It has a shiny surface that glistens when the light hits just right and it’s a material that will leave people in awe. It is a material that is light in color, but the very ethereal balance of beauty and durability makes porcelain such a wonderful choice in kitchens and bathrooms. It’s a material that will make everyone ask about it, but it’s also not as fragile as marble and other softer materials.


Maintenance is a key factor to consider when you’re choosing from an array of countertop materials. The material needs to be easy to clean and maintain.

Quartz Countertops

Quartz will never disappoint you in the maintenance department. It’s a material that’s perfect for anyone who doesn’t want to slave over their countertops all day. It can be cleaned with a simple water and detergent solution. It doesn’t need to be sealed, and it can go on for years without getting polished. So, you’re in for a treat.

Now, quartz is easy to clean, but a drawback is that because of its light color, you will need to clean it every single day because light colors will show stains very prominently.

Porcelain Countertops

Porcelain is also an easy material to clean. It is naturally water resistant, so it’s perfect for use in the kitchens and bathrooms, just like quartz, and it can be cleaned with simple detergent solutions too.

If you get a glossy countertop finish, then you’ll need to have it polished every year or so, depending on the longevity of the sheen, but that’s pretty much it for maintaining this beautiful and robust material.


Price is another crucial factor that most people keep in mind.

As for quartz, the prices are quite high. They can range anywhere from $45 to $200. On the other hand, porcelain countertops’ price range is between $55 to $120. So, people might think that porcelain is much cheaper than quartz, but the price will vary, based on the finish, the size of the slabs, and where you want to get them installed.

Sometimes, for smaller kitchens, quartz can run a bit cheaper than porcelain, so it all depends on preference at the end of the day.

Finishing Options

Finishing of the countertops is also important, because it the finish completes the look for the countertop or island.

Quartz Countertops

For quartz, the finishing options are quite a bit. You can get quartz in a honed finish, a glossy finish, and even in leathered finish. Now, what’s the difference between all of these finishes? Well, honed quartz is a matte quartz with a non-shiny finish. It is amazing for people who don’t fancy polished quartz.

Polished or glossy quartz has a mirror-like finish and it’s very shiny; perfect for places with no natural sunlight because it bounces off light from the fixtures and makes the kitchen look spacious.

As for a leathered finish, it’s in the middle. It has a slight sheen on the surface which kind of looks matte in certain lights and shiny in others, so it’s perfect if you can’t choose between shiny or matte and want a little bit of both.

Porcelain Countertops

There are only two finishes available for porcelain countertops. The first is a matte finish that doesn’t reflect light and the second one is a high gloss glaze. In porcelain, the finish is done after installation, as compared to other countertops, in which the finish is brought by the sealant.

Heat Resistance

Another important factor to consider when you’re going for a countertop material is heat resistance. Since you’ll be working in the kitchen, you need to know about the heat resistance of each material because heat can damage the countertops to no end and if you’re someone who works with a lot of hot pots and pans in the kitchen, then you need a material that is going to withstand everything.

Quartz Countertops

Quartz countertops are extremely durable, but they don’t resist heat well. Anything above 150 degrees Fahrenheit can stain the quartz surface. You can use the countertops as a surface where you can put hot foods, but over time, it’s going to lead to black stains and that’s not what you want at all. These stains are a nightmare to remove and they will be permanent. So, you should use trivets and coasters.

Porcelain Countertops

Porcelain countertops perform really well under high heat. These countertops may look fragile but they are a beast against heat as they can withstand heat more than 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit. They repel heat from hot foods and prevent the countertops from getting stained.

So, even though porcelain is a light-colored material, it won’t be dotted with those weird and very permanent black splotches all over the surface.

This is amazing considering that porcelain isn’t even a material that’s popular for kitchens. Since it’s mostly used in bathrooms and as flooring and wall cladding, this property of porcelain is overshadowed. But it’s good to know that this material can take hot temperatures like a pro.


Quartz and porcelain are both amazing and they also have a couple of drawbacks of their own. So, this guide will help you choose a material that’s right for your kitchen. If you want to see some colors and patterns, contact quartz countertop dealers Rockville.