
How To Pick A Countertop Material For Your Outdoor Kitchen?

If you’re thinking of redoing your outdoor space and want to build a backyard kitchen, then one of the important things is figuring out the countertop material you need for your outdoor kitchen. The most popular choice is granite countertops but is it the only option? Here is what to know.

What To Know When Choosing A Countertop For An Outdoor Kitchen?

Before diving into the materials that are good for outdoor kitchen countertops, you need to understand what makes a countertop material good and what doesn’t. So, here are all the things you need to consider when choosing a material.

The Durability

The durability of a countertop material matters the most. Having a durable countertop material in an indoor kitchen is one thing, but you need to give durability even more consideration if you are to choose a countertop surface for an outdoor kitchen.

An outdoor kitchen is exposed to all kinds of elements and you want to ensure that you’re choosing a material that can withstand everything and last long for years to come. The last thing you need is a countertop material that you will need to replace every so often because it fades or cracks with heat, cold, moisture, or sunlight.

Resistance To Outdoor Elements

As mentioned previously, an outdoor kitchen is exposed to outdoor elements, beaming sunlight, downpours, and dryness. These things aren’t necessarily a problem in an indoor kitchen, but in an outdoor kitchen, you need to be able to factor in all of these things to ensure that you’re choosing a material that will be able to endure all of the harsh and continuous conditions of the weather.

So, this is important to do and you need to compare materials based on their resistance to heat, UV light rays, and even dryness because it will make a difference.

Water Resistance

The next most important bit to go over is the water resistance of a countertop material. Usually, natural stones and man-made materials are the best countertop materials out there, but natural stones are not resistant to water damage because they are naturally porous. So, you either have to seal them or you need to opt for materials that don’t have that problem altogether like stainless steel and porcelain tiles or slabs.

Water may look harmless, but it can spoil and damage the material from the inside and in an outdoor kitchen, you need to give water resistance more importance because it can be the difference between longevity and premature damage.

Now, natural stones may not be water-resistant, but they are still some of the best options for outdoor kitchens so don’t rule them out.


The next bit to go over is the price of the countertop material you’re going for in the outdoor kitchen. Your budget is really important when it comes to buying a countertop material for your outdoor kitchen. Outdoor countertop materials often do cost a bit more, and that is because they are specifically treated to last longer in the kitchen and outside.

So, when you’re considering materials for your outdoor kitchen, make sure that you know what each of them costs, so you can create a budget accordingly. If you can’t afford it, then everything is pretty much pointless.


You also want to choose a material that doesn’t need to be maintained too frequently. Now, a couple of months later, maintenance is overdue and that is pretty normal, but what isn’t is the fact that you need to slave over the material day in and day out because without it, the material will wither away.

Best Materials For Outdoor Kitchen Countertops

Now that you know what things you need to look out for, here are some of the countertop materials that are considered excellent for an outdoor kitchen.


The first and most amazing material for an outdoor kitchen is the beautiful and strong granite. Granite is a natural stone that is made out of melted rocks and minerals under high temperature and pressure and the result is a rock so beautiful and mesmerizing that you can’t help but want it in your kitchen.

It is a very strong material and the best part is that it lasts for years to come without any major problems. The only downside to this material is the price and the maintenance it needs.

Stainless Steel

If you want to say goodbye to the maintenance and the looking after of countertop material, then stainless steel countertops will take care of everything. Stainless steel is pretty much the answer to all of your countertop and outdoor kitchen-related problems.

The material is non-porous, it doesn’t need to be sealed or maintained in any way, it’s beautiful, especially if you’re someone who loves an industrial and minimal look, and it’s overall very strong. So, if you have a bit of room in your budget, then definitely go for stainless steel, because you can set it and forget it.

But keep in mind that stainless steel gets cold to touch in winter and becomes very warm under direct sunlight.


If you’re looking for another maintenance-free option in countertops, then glass won’t disappoint you. Glass is a very beautiful and hassle-free material and it is one of the best options you can go for because it does not need to be cleaned and it’s also amazing when it comes to longevity.

The only downside of glass countertops is the fact that it is, infamously, prone to breakage. If you let it out and something falls on top of the countertops with a reasonable impact, then it can shatter, so that’s just something you need to look out for.

Porcelain Tiles

Porcelain tiles are also a great option when it comes to outdoor kitchen countertops. Tiles are mostly very easy to install and even though they are not as strong as thick slabs of rock or man-made material, it is very easily replaceable, so much so that you can even do so by yourself.

Porcelain tiles are also available in many designs and patterns so you can choose any color or pattern you want.

The only problem with tile is the fact that it can be hard to clean, especially around the crevices of the tile, because the space between the tile, also known as grout can be hard to reach into and clean.

If you like porcelain as a countertop surface but not tiles, you can also choose porcelain slabs that don’t have grout lines. However, if you like tiles, you can also look into stone tiles like granite tiles, marble tiles, and can also ask for concrete tiles. But they won’t be water-resistant whereas porcelain tiles and slabs are.


Lastly, quartzite is another natural stone that people often confuse with quartz. Quartz is a man-made material and it’s not a good choice for outdoors since it doesn’t have natural UV protection and sunlight can make the material dull.

However, with quartzite, you won’t have to face any of these problems because it is a durable, waterproof, and stain-resistant material that will surprise you with its qualities and strength.


An outdoor kitchen needs to be sturdy, otherwise, it won’t last long. As you’re choosing durable materials like concrete and stainless steel for other parts of the kitchen, don’t forget to pick a sturdy option when it comes to your outdoor kitchen countertops. Get in touch with a granite contractor Potomac to take a look at various options and choose the right one.



Is It Better To Have Dark Or Light Granite Countertops?

Choosing a countertop material is hard enough, but what about the colors? It is way harder than choosing the material. So, before you go to a granite contractor, here is a guide that will draw a comparison between light and dark granite countertops.

Light Vs. Dark Granite Countertops


You need to know about the availability of the colors in granite. Sure, granite is available in a lot of colors, but the availability matters the most. If you can’t get your hands on a countertop color, then what’s the point if it’s famous or amazing to look at?

Light Granite Countertops

Light granite countertops are a bit harder to find. They are not as readily available as other colors when it comes to granite, so if you like light colors, then you might need to look around for a bit to find the color your heart desires.

The retailers that carry light granite countertops are few and far between, but they are available if you know where to look and find them.

Dark Granite Countertops

Dark granite countertops are available in abundance. Naturally, granite is a dark stone, usually dark gray or black with a mosaic of specks and glitter on the surface, so it is not that hard to find dark granite countertops.

If you love dark granite countertops, then you have a ton of options to choose from, and to be honest, the signature color of granite is dark, so it’s more popular.


The durability and color of granite countertops are also related, which might sound weird but it helps in figuring out which countertop is the best for you at the end of the day.

Light Granite Countertops

Light granite countertops are less dense than any other color of granite. The packing of the material and the overall resistance to scratches, heat, and other things is not as remarkable in light granite countertops.

So, light granite, even though it is granite and it is durable and strong, will not last as long as other colors. This is something that you should keep in mind when you’re out selecting a granite color.

Dark Granite Countertops

In dark granite countertops, the density is higher than its light counterparts, so you will be happy to know that this colored countertop has great resistance to scratches, heat and even chipping.

The density of dark granite is high, because it’s formed at higher pressure and temperatures, and the material is densely packed thanks to the mountain of forces applied on the rock, during its formation. So, if you’re looking for a material that will last a lot longer, then you need to go for dark granite countertops.


The next order of importance is the maintenance of the granite countertops. This is something that a lot of people can forget at times, but every color has certain aspects of maintaining it and you need to know about them.

Light Granite Countertops

Light granite countertops are a bit harder to maintain, as you may have already guessed it. Think about it – you’ve heard it a lot. Light colors are always hard to clean and this fact applies smack in this scenario. Yes, light granite countertops are very hard to clean and stains and splotches will show on them very easily.

So, you need to keep this crucial fact in mind if you want to go for light granite countertops because it can change the course of how you maintain and take care of things.

Dark Granite Countertops

Dark granite countertops are a lot easier to maintain, especially compared to light granite countertops. This doesn’t mean that they’re the best though, because if you didn’t know this already, dark granite countertops can hide stains, but they will make dirt and debris stand out like nothing else.

The lighter layer of dust and dirt will be visible on top of the dark granite surface, so you won’t get a free pass on getting away with not cleaning the countertops.


The fact is already established that light granite countertops are hard to maintain, but what about how they look before you clean them? Well, that’s no surprise either.

Light Granite Countertops

Light granite countertops don’t make any effort to hide the stains and spills on its surface unless it’s clear water. Any food or fruit stain on the light and stark granite countertops will show prominently and you have no choice but to clean it up right away.

If you let the spill sit for too long then things can take a turn for the worse and the countertops can get stained. That is not what you want.

Dark Granite Countertops

These can get away with not being wiped down for a day or two, but you don’t want to make it a habit, because whatever it is, you are using the countertops to prepare food and the surfaces should be sanitary.

Therefore, it’s not wise to not clean the countertops after every night when you’re done for the day. That’s not how things work and you need to make it a habit to always clean the countertops, no matter what color they are.


Now comes another very important bit of information and that is to understand the versatility of each color that goes with the rest of the kitchen décor.

Light Granite Countertops

Light granite countertops are amazing in the sense that they don’t need to be matched with everything else. The light color goes with almost every décor.

Whether your kitchen is dark or minimal, clustered with colors or plain, the light granite countertops will add a touch of softness and fit right into the rest of the décor like a puzzle piece meant for the place. So, if you’re worried that light granite countertops won’t go with your kitchen décor, then think again.

Dark Granite Countertops

The of dark granite countertops color is a bit loud and for some people, the countertops can look a bit harsh, especially if you’re going for a dark-on-dark theme.

A balance of sorts needs to be established when you’re pairing dark granite countertops with the rest of your kitchen décor. It will only make the kitchen look good in the end. So, put on your creative hats, because you’ll need them.


The price of granite and the color of the countertops you go for matters too.

Light Granite Countertops

Light granite countertops can be a bit on the expensive side of things because firstly it’s granite and secondly, it’s not as commonly available as other granite colors so you might find yourself in a bit of a pinch if you don’t already know this fact.

Dark Granite Countertops

They are a bit more common in availability, so they’re not as expensive as light granite, but let’s face it: It’s granite you’re concerned with and it’s generally an expensive material, so it might not always be affordable.


Granite is available in a wide variety of colors, but they’re mostly classified into light and dark. So, now you know what colors of granite countertops are not only beautiful but also functional. If you want to check out different granite colors and patterns, get in touch with granite countertop installers Rockville.