
What Are The Pros And Cons Of Granite Overlays?

You’ve heard of countertop slabs, but did you know that you don’t need to remove your existing countertops to get a fresh and new look? That’s where granite countertop overlays come in. Here, you’ll learn what are granite overlays and their pros and cons so you can decide if you should choose them or regular granite countertops.

What Are Granite Overlays?

Granite is a natural stone and when it is quarried out of the ground, these thick and randomly shaped rocks can be made into anything. From thick slabs to thin overlays. So, countertop overlays are a very thin version of a slab. The rock is cut into thin tile-like slabs, but bigger, and they’re installed using an adhesive on the surface.

The game changer when it comes to overlays is that they can be glued right on top of your existing countertops, so there is no need to remove any old countertops if you want to jazz things up.

Pros Of Granite Overlays

Less Expensive

When it comes to granite, there is no doubt in anyone’s mind that it is a very expensive material. Getting a whole set of new countertops for your kitchen, and those too thick slabs, are going to make your wallet scream, because the price will be insane.

Well, countertop overlays make it easier for you. You can get just about a whole countertop installation in less than half of the price of getting granite slabs and you can make your kitchen look brand new. See? Getting new countertops is not always expensive. You just have to be smart with how you choose things.

Easy To Install

If your countertops are A-Okay, and you just want to change the look of the counters, then you don’t need to waste a single second. You can get overlays installed pretty easily. Since they are not actual slabs, installing overlays is a piece of cake. You don’t even need to go through the whole ordeal of removing your older countertops.

You can set the overlays right on top and that is pretty much it for the installation. You will be happy with the results, the work will be wrapped in no time and you’ll have new countertops pretty quickly.

Give A New Look

Even though countertop overlays are not actual countertop slabs, you can’t ignore the fact that they give your countertops a new look. This is great, especially if you’re looking for some change, but don’t want your wallet to thin out too much. This is why overlays are great.

They’re easy to install, the top of the surface looks just like the real deal (because it is) and when it’s a material like granite, it’s hard to find a flaw in it anyways, so it’s one of the best affordable options out there if you want to change up your countertops for the better.

Low Maintenance

Granite countertop overlays are amazing when it comes to maintaining them because they are granite. They are not as demanding as other materials like laminate so they’re quite easy to take care of.

There is not very much that needs maintaining when it comes to overlays. All you have to do is ensure that the surfaces are clean at all times. You also want to seal them for maximum protection against water and that’s it. You do need to be careful about putting too much weight on them.

A Lot Of Variety

Granite overlays have tons of variety. It doesn’t matter if you like light colors or dark colors, veining or no veining, more shimmer or less shimmer – there is something for everyone to choose here.

This is something that matches granite slabs because just like granite slabs, you can find granite overlays of any color and veining. This quality alone makes up for a lot of flukes in the material and it makes it popular among people because if there’s one thing people want, it’s more options.

Cons Of Granite Overlays

Not Great For Damaged Countertops

For overlays to sit flush on your existing countertop surface, it must be smooth, flat, and without any ridges or scratches. This is the main gist when it comes to using overlays. If your countertops are very damaged, bulky and just overall not in good condition, then it will not make the overlays sit properly and the installation will be – you guessed it – bumpy.

So, you always want to get your existing countertops tested by a team before you go ahead and put overlays on them because you don’t even know if they will look good or not. If you countertop is damaged, you can still get overlays by removing the old countertop first, applying a plywood base, and then installing the overlay.

Can Look Weird At Times

This is why professional installation matters the most. If you want to go for overlays in your kitchen, then you need to remember one thing. They’re sitting on top of real countertops, so it won’t look good at all if the installation is done by a rookie.

You want to ensure that you’re choosing a professional and experienced team for installing overlays because it’s more than just setting a thin piece of countertop material on an existing surface. The seams, the alignment, everything needs to be perfect and if it’s not, then well, the whole look is ruined forever.

Unavailability Is An Issue

Overlays – as much as they’re amazing and relatively easy – can be hard to get your hands on, especially when it comes to a material like granite. Granite is already really popular, and overlays in this material can be a mean feat to find.

Usually, slabs are more common and popular in granite and you have to search different stores to find someone who deals with overlays and can give you what you want. But give it your best shot and you’ll find something eventually.

Can Be Fragile

Well, even though granite overlays are not as heavy or thick, this can certainly be a disadvantage as well. Since they’re thin, they can break or crack easily, especially if you put or throw something really heavy on them. So, even though granite slabs are thicker and not so easy to handle, they have their strength to make up for it.

Granite countertop overlays are not great in the durability department, because if they break, then you have to get them replaced. It is much of a nuisance more than anything because it’s not like overlays are very expensive. It’s just that doing it over and over again can be tiring for a lot of people.

On the flip side, some people get countertop overlays for the very reason that they can replace them easily and get a new countertop surface frequently.


Granite overlays are amazing if you want to do update your countertops but don’t want to keep things too expensive either. You can install them on top of your existing countertops as long as they have a uniform surface or you can remove your existing countertop and install the overlay on a plywood base. Overlays are cheaper than way countertop slabs but they are also more fragile. You can consult a granite installer Rockville to discuss which option is better for you.



What To Know About Mitered Edge Countertops?

If you love countertops and the variety they come in, then you’ll like to take a deep dive into the edge options. There are just so many options. Bevel, bull nose, waterfall, straight, the list goes on. So, if you’re buying quartz or granite countertops and considering metered edges, here is what you should know about this edge option.

Mitered Edging In Kitchen Countertops

When you look at a mitered edge, it looks like a rotated L-shaped countertop edge. It is an edge that is flush against the countertop and the edge makes a 90-degree angle with the countertop. This is done by fusing a part of the edge with the countertop at a 45-degree angle. The parts are glued together using a high-grade adhesive or epoxy filler.

Mitered edges are really beautiful and they look like an edgier waterfall. This edge is all sharp sides and minimal looks, but still manages to steal your heart. So, if you’re looking for something different then this edge is worth a try.

A lot of edges can be really simple and even though this edge looks simple too, it’s anything but. If anything, there is a lot more work involved in making this edge a perfect L-shape. Mitered edges also drape over the countertops, which is a sweet and simple look and it elongates the countertops in the best way.

So, if you like these sorts of designs, then mitered edges will be a favorite in your book. They are unique and they’re a class apart when it comes to countertop edges.

Features Of Mitered Edge Countertops

We have explained what mitered edges are and what they look like, so now is the time to discuss some key features of this very edge. Some of them can be good while some others, not so much, but at least you’ll know how to make the right decision when it comes to choosing a countertop edge.

They Are Amazing To Look At

Mitered edges have that very unique look. They appear very luxurious and amazing. They’re the kind of edges that you want to look at every single day. The shape and the design – everything is awesome and you can’t help but admire this edge design.

They Can Be Pricey

While mitered edges are beautiful and one-of-a-kind, they can also be expensive to build. As it’s like an L-shape, there is going to be an attachment of two strips of stones at a 45-degree angle and the result will be a 90-degree L-shaped edge that will look amazing.

But, to build this edge, precision is key. You don’t want the stone to look crooked or weird in any way, which is why you need to ensure that they’re built properly. That’s why specific machines are used that do all the work. However, for precision, the machines have diamond blades or tips. Because of this and other reasons, this edging option costs more than others.

The Cost Also Depends On The Stone You Choose

We mentioned that mitered edges are costlier than other edging options. However, the final cost also depends heavily on the stone you pick. This type of edging can go with almost any stone, but each stone has its own price range. Some are affordable, some are medium-range, and others are premium and costly.

If you want to choose popular options, then look for granite and quartz. You can find mid-range and premium granite and quartz slabs.

Available In All Stones

Be it natural stones, man-made stones, or even sheets or veneers of materials like laminate, mitered edges can be made with any and every countertop material. As long as the stone is easily cut and can be glued back together, then everything is perfect.

When making a mitered edge, the main thing you want to remember is how the stones will glue back together. The veining and the design of the stone should be flush with the top of the edge. This will make for a sleek edge and you will love the look of it in the end.

They Are Unique

Mitered countertop edges – even though they’re really simple – are very unique. They are made by fusing two parts of the stone and they just look easy to the eyes and beautiful.

So, if you want something unique and different from other edges like straight or bullnose edges, then definitely go for a mitered edge. It’s not complicated, it won’t make your countertops look weird, and it’s just overall an amazing option.

They Are Heavy

Since mitered countertop edges are an inversed L-shape, the stem of the L will droop downwards. Even looking at the shape, you know that the stem is longer, so it will weigh a lot too. Whereas the base of the L-shape is lighter and narrower, so it will be flush on the countertop. This shape makes it inconvenient for installation and it’s something that you have to keep in mind.

The bottom of the edge is very heavy and you can tell that they’re hard to move around. So, installation will be hard and there’s also a huge chance of the slabs breaking because they’re too heavy to deal with if not handled by an expert.

They Are Not The Safest

Mitered edges, even though they are L-shaped, are not exactly the safest when it comes to edges. They’re not only sharp around the edges but things can get caught in the stem of the L-shaped edge.

This is bad because the height of countertops is the same as any toddler and they can hit their head pretty hard if they’re not looking where they’re going. The sharp edge doesn’t do anything to quell the fears either. A lot of edges are rounded for safety but mitered edges are sharp through and through.

Thicker Appearance

A unique feature of mitered edging is that it can make your countertop appear thicker than it is. This is great because thicker countertops look more attractive and beautiful. This happens because two parts of the same stone are attached together at a 45-degree angle and the result is a thicker looking countertop.


We have already stated how amazing mitered edges they are. One of the reasons is that they are seamless to the naked eye or at least to most people. Even though the edge is crafted with glueing two parts of the same stone together, you won’t notice seams unless you pay very close attention or use a magnifying glass.

Easy To Clean

Mitered edging is one of the easiest to clean as it’s similar to straight edging. If you know about edging options, you may know that some are beautiful but have curves and sort of layers that are hard to clean. So, if you like your countertop cleaning process to be simple and quick, you will like mitered edges. There is complication involved in cleaning and yet they look luxurious and amazing.


Mitered edges are a very good option when it comes to countertop edges. They are very similar to straight edges, but still a bit different. For getting any kitchen countertop with mitered edges or any other edge style, consult granite contractors Potomac.



Quartz Vs. Terrazzo Countertops: Which One Is Better?

Are you remodeling your kitchen? Well, if that’s the case, then you might also be thinking about which countertop option to choose. If you’re considering engineered countertops, there is a good variety in this category as well. Here is a comparison between two common man-made countertop materials: terrazzo and quartz countertops.

What Are The Differences Between Quartz And Terrazzo Countertops?


First, you need to know what each material comprises. You might think that composition is not as important, but you’re wrong. It is because of the composition of a material that you can determine the strength, the longevity, and the overall qualities and downsides of a material.

Quartz Countertops

When it comes to quartz countertops, they are made out of a man-made material. Quartz usually consists of pulverized stones and minerals and then it is compacted to make it look solid, strong, and almost indestructible.

Quartz is an amazing man-made material to go for and also one of the most popular ones among homeowners. As it’s an engineered stone, there is a huge variety of colors and patterns. Once you get your hands on quartz, you won’t want to go back.

Terrazzo Countertops

Terrazzo is a very unique material that is also man-made. It is sometimes referred to as a quartz look-alike, but there is still a difference in how the material is made. It is made of leftover shards and broken pieces of stones, like marble, sand, granite, glass, and even shells and then everything is bonded together with an epoxy.

This is what gives the countertop its hard and very stone-like appearance. This is an amazing material to go for if you want something that looks like quartz but isn’t that expensive.


The next thing to consider when you’re choosing from an array of countertop materials is durability. There is just something attractive about materials that can last long and there is always a flock of people around materials that are easy to handle and don’t get knocked off the line by the slightest of damages.

Quartz Countertops

Quartz is one of the best man-made materials you can go for because it is just so strong and durable. You don’t need to worry about chips, cracks, the material getting eroded, or anything like that. Quartz also has a great resistance to chemicals and harsh substances which is always a plus too.

Terrazzo Countertops

Terrazzo is less durable than quartz. See, terrazzo, even though it is made out of pulverized rocks and glass pieces, is still very vulnerable to cracks, corrosion, and damage because of the epoxy. It can also discolor over time and that is just not what you want to witness.

So, as amazing as terrazzo is, there is nothing that can make it more durable than quartz or many other man-made material. This is frustrating because terrazzo is a beautiful material, but it lacks potential, no matter how similar it is to some of the strongest materials out there.

Heat Resistance

Speaking of beauty, this is also a very important thing to consider when people are buying countertops. Of course, they want to get materials that are durable, but they also want to get their hands on materials that are easy on the eyes.

Quartz Countertops

Quartz is a beautiful material. A lot of people find it strikingly similar to marble which is just amazing. To have a material that looks like marble, but is stronger and more efficient than it is just out of this world. So, if you want to score some points in this department, then quartz won’t disappoint. It will transform your kitchen for the better.

Terrazzo Countertops

Terrazzo countertops are also very beautiful. The light background of colors and the slight sheen of the material is really good. You will not regret getting terrazzo either, especially if you’re the one who goes for the looks alone.

However, not all people like the way terrazzo looks. So, before buying, take a look at various terrazzo slabs to know if this is something you like because they are a bit different from other stones and materials.


Maintenance is the one thing that people fret the most over. No matter how beautiful, popular, or amazing a material is, if it’s high maintenance, then you can forget about it.

Quartz Countertops

Well, when it comes to quartz, the material is just very low maintenance, if you don’t count heat blisters. This is probably the only thing that quartz lacks and that is heat resistance. Other than that, the material is amazing when it comes to taking care of it.

You can use homemade or store-bought cleaners to clean the countertops. You don’t need to seal it because it’s waterproof and there are just a lot of things that you don’t have to do when it comes to quartz. Amazing, isn’t it?

Terrazzo Countertops

Well, as for terrazzo, sadly the same can’t be said. Even though it is decently durable, it is still nowhere near quartz. It is not as strong, it can’t take on harsh cleaning products so the choice of cleaners is really important if you don’t want to ruin your countertops, and it’s just overall a material that demands a lot. So, this is something that you need to go over. However, like many other materials, you can repair terrazzo countertops if they get damaged.


This is also a very important factor to go over because if you can’t afford a material then what is the point of all of the qualities?

Quartz Countertops

This is where quartz loses major points. It is very expensive compared to other man-made materials. So much so that people usually can’t even afford it, which is a huge bummer.

Terrazzo Countertops

Terrazzo is cheaper than quartz. You don’t need to too much money when getting your hands on these babies and that is what makes this countertop material just that much more better than quartz.

Water Resistance

Lastly, you also want to consider the water resistance, because believe it or not, countertops are more damaged by water than anything else.

Quartz Countertops

Quartz is water resistant. It doesn’t need to be sealed because there are virtually no pores on the surface and it’s just amazing. However, it’s better if you can seal it, just to be safe. If there is even the smallest of scratches on the countertops, then it will be detrimental and you will have a huge problem on your hands. So, sealing quartz is always the better option.

Terrazzo Countertops

For terrazzo countertops, sealing is not an option but a requirement. Terrazzo is naturally quite porous and since the bonding material is epoxy, it can wear away quickly. This is why you want to seal the countertops to prevent them from either turning yellow or just getting ruined by water.

Sealing can be a pain in the neck, but the damage will be more painful and difficult to deal with if you don’t take care of terrazzo. So, it’s better to be safe than sorry and figure out the best way to safeguard your precious kitchen countertops.


Terrazzo and quartz are equally beautiful materials, and now you know exactly which one to go for. If you want something different from regular countertops and affordable, then terrazzo is a good choice. However, if you want low maintenance, durable, and beautiful countertops, pick quartz. For any queries, consult quartz countertop contractors Rockville.



How To Choose A Backsplash That Matches Granite Countertops?

Backsplashes are a hit or miss among people. Some people love them because they add that completed look to the space and some just think that they’re too much work. Well, here is what you need to do if you love backsplashes and want to pair them with granite countertops.

Picking The Right Backsplash With Granite Countertops

Choosing The Right Color

First, you need to understand that the color of the backsplash and the countertops should match. This doesn’t mean that you have to go for the same material or color when it comes to both countertops and backsplash, but you need to see which backsplash color complements your granite slabs the best.

There are a lot of colors to choose from, and sometimes it can be overwhelming to decide the color of backsplash you want to go for. So, if you can, try to look at your kitchen as a whole and figure out what looks best. If you think your kitchen has a more neutral vibe, then embrace it and make it the center of attention. That is how you can choose a perfect combination.

If you want to add that dark edge to your kitchen, you can even go for darker-colored backsplashes if that is what you prefer. There are lots of options out there and you shouldn’t get confused because it’s all your decision in the end.

Patterns Are A No-Go

Granite is already heavy on the patterns and textures, so it will only look overpowering if you add more patterns with a backsplash. What you want to do instead is choose a backsplash color and material that is just a a solid one with little to no patterns.

You may think that it won’t look good, but you’ll have to trust the process and see the results for yourself. The muted backsplash tile will add a lot of dimension to the very loud granite and it won’t look out of whack. So, the next time you want to select a backsplash, try something with minimal or no patterns.

Don’t Extend The Countertop

This is something that a lot of people end up doing, especially if they don’t have any idea about choosing the right backsplash for their granite countertops. They tend to extend the actual countertops by 4 to 5 inches in a strip and even though it’s alright, that trend is just not there anymore.

You need to think outside of just covering the back walls of your countertops with granite. It’s time to add some spice, and some jazz to your kitchen by selecting the right material and color for your kitchen backsplash. So, whatever you do, don’t settle for an extension of your countertops. It will look dull and boring.

Backsplash And Granite Countertop Color Combinations

Well, now you know the things you need to keep in mind when it comes to choosing a backsplash for granite countertops. Here are some beautiful color combinations that will get your brain moving.

Cream Backsplash

A color that goes exceptionally well with dark and dramatic granite countertops is cream. A cream backsplash is a neutral and safe choice to go for. It will complement your granite countertops beautifully and it will also make your kitchen look sweet and muted.

If you are a neutral color lover, then you need to give this combination a go because you won’t regret it and it will make your kitchen look amazing.

White Backsplash

If you want to go even lighter and love the color white, then this idea is for you. Granite is a dark color and while it’s not black, it’s not far from it either. So, if you want to add starkness to your kitchen and make the backsplash stand out more, but still be in the background without watering down the beauty of granite, then you need to go for a white backsplash with dark granite countertops.

Not just dark, white backsplash will look great with lighter granite too and a lighter kitchen will make your space look even bigger, which is great.

Black Backsplash

Now, a lot of the time, people don’t like the light and dark combo and they want to go for something edgy, dark, and mysterious. So, if you want, you can go for a black-on-dark theme with your granite countertops and backsplash. Granite countertops are available in those very ethereal dark gray colors and you can get a one or two shades lighter backsplash or you can darken things up a notch and go for a black and glossy backsplash.

This will make your kitchen look so beautiful that people will do a double take to make sure that their eyes capture this beauty.

Mosaic Backsplash

If you don’t want to go for solids, and want to play with a bit of patterns, then mosaic is a very safe bet. It will not make the countertops look underwhelmed and the backsplash pattern will add that extra layer of beauty to the entire kitchen.

For mosaic, you want to choose something that is minimal because, at the end of the day, you don’t want to throw the balance of textures off.

Wood And Granite

If you want, you can swap things up a bit. You can go for wooden countertops with a granite tile backsplash. You can even flip the scene around and something about the combination of warm and rich wood with that rocky mosaic material is just out of this world. It’s like two of nature’s beauties settled into your kitchen and are working their magic.

Wood and stone is a wonderful combination when you pair them in the form of backsplashes and countertops.

Glass Backsplash

If you want to get a glossy and very reflective backsplash to bounce the light off the walls and illuminate your kitchen even more, then you need to get your hands on a glass backsplash.

Tinted glass is better, but if you can get your hands on it, white or light glass will look exceptionally striking with darker granite countertops. The shiny glass with the shimmery granite is going to be wonderful to look at and you will love this combination in the end. It is something that you can’t go wrong with.


A backsplash with granite countertops is a wonderful combo and with these tips, you will make your kitchen a head-turner. For suggestions, material selection, and installation, consult granite countertop installers Potomac.



Dos And Don’ts Of Choosing Quartz Countertops

Choosing a kitchen countertop material can difficult because it will stay in your kitchen for years so you want to choose the right one. A good kitchen countertop needs to be durable, beautiful, practical, and low maintenance. And many of these qualities do match with quartz kitchen countertops. If you’re considering quartz countertops, then keep these dos and don’ts in mind.

Dos And Don’ts Of Buying Quartz Kitchen Countertops

Do Consider The Variety

When it comes to quartz countertops, there are a lot of things that you need to consider. There is huge variety of quartz out there. So, you need to find the right quartz grade, color, and pattern for yourself. It is done by scouring through every single store you can find and then selecting the slabs you love the most. Looking at the slabs is crucial too because you need to see what you’re getting.

So, checking all kinds of quartz is important. Even though you may like a slab initially, you never know if you fall in love with another kind of quartz.

Don’t Go For Super Light Colors

Even though quartz is available in most color shades, you still want to go for something that is not as light. It is important that you go for muted but slightly deeper colors because that will make all of the difference.

Quartz can be stained by heat if it’s low-quality or if the heat is above 150 degrees Fahrenheit. To make the heat stains look less obvious, you want to choose a color that will camouflage the heat stains better.

So, this is only better for you because it will make the stains look less obvious and you will save yourself from huge repairs in the long run. So, you see, color selection matters.

Do Remember Cleaning

This doesn’t just go for quartz. It needs to be taken care of, regardless of what countertops you have, but if you have quartz, then you need to remember to clean it every so often. This will ensure that you have clean countertops to work on.

Cleaning doesn’t only keep the countertops spotless, it will also ensure sanitary working conditions because think about it – working on dirty countertops doesn’t sound appealing at all. So, if you’re considering quartz countertops, then you need to know about the cleaning requirements of the very material.

Don’t Use Harsh Chemicals

Even though quartz is a  durable material, nothing can stand up against harsh chemicals, not even natural or man-made stones. So, you want to keep it in mind to not use harsh or abrasive cleaners on quartz countertops.

This is something that a lot of people don’t keep in mind and then their countertops can get littered with scratches, which is not a pretty sight for anyone. So, you want to avoid using anything too harsh and chemical-based on quartz countertops because it might just do more bad than good and your countertops will be ruined.

Do Your Research

When it comes to choosing quartz countertops, you don’t want to jump in blindly. You want to do your research as much as you can. This will ensure that you know all of the ins and outs of the material and that you know what are the downsides and upsides of quartz.

So, if you want to get a countertop material that will last for a long time, then research is very important. You will know exactly what there is to know about it and you will make the best decision that will pay you off for a decent amount of time.

Don’t Put Hot Things On It

Quartz can withstand heat without staining up to 150 degrees Fahrenheit and it warps or cracks above 302 degrees Fahrenheit. This is something you need to keep in mind  and you will have to protect the countertops from getting heat stains.

Heat stains are black and very much permanent that are difficult to remove. These stains are really ugly and they can leave the countertops looking just unpleasant, so you need to keep this tidbit of information in mind when you’re choosing quartz countertops. You will need coasters or trivets to put your hot foods and utensils on the countertops. This will only save them from ugly heat stains.

Do Check Samples

Samples are one of the most important things to look at when you’re considering quartz countertops. If there are samples, then you don’t want to skip the chance of taking a look at them.

Yes, samples can be a bit different from the actual slab, but it still gives you a general idea about how the slabs are, how they’re made, and how they feel when you run your hand over them. You want to check the samples before you commit to buying quartz because it will give you a very good idea about the material you’re going for.

Good quality quartz is consistent in color throughout the slab. Also, the polish has consistent shine. If you can test a quartz sample, then perform a scratch test. Use a knife to scratch the sample quartz surface. Good quality quartz will show a black line while a poor quality quartz will have a white line.

Don’t Forget That It’s A Man-Made Stone

A lot of the time, people mistake quartz for quartzite. Even though they sound very similar, they are completely different stones. Quartz is a man-made stone while quartzite is a natural stone.

Quartz is made out of crushed rocks and mixed with resin to give it that rock-hard appearance. Whereas, quartzite is a material that is made naturally deep inside the Earth’s surface just like other natural stones such as granite and marble. So, you need to know what you’re going for because it will make all of the difference in the long run. Don’t let the similar names fool you.

Do Keep Maintenance In Mind

When it comes to quartz, especially if someone has had it for a long time, it can lead to a lot of chips and cracks on the surface. Well, that is common and you need to get it fixed. Even though quartz is a durable material, you will want to make sure that it is well-maintained and spotless whenever you look at it.

This is not something majorly difficult, but it is part of maintaining the stone to ensure that it looks amazing for years to come. So always keep in mind that you will need to maintain the stone from time to time. Durability doesn’t mean no maintenance.

Don’t Seal It

Lastly, quartz is not a natural stone, so you will be happy to know that you don’t need to seal it. Sealing can be a very troubling process, and it is something that needs to be done for natural stones because they’re porous and they need to be sealed otherwise water would ruin them.

But because quartz is made out of resin, which is non-porous, it doesn’t let water in and beads the drops on the surface. So, quartz is an amazing material for countertops.


Now you know exactly what to do and not do when it comes to choosing quartz countertops. This will lead to you picking something that not only you’ll love but it’ll last for a long time too. For high quality quartz slabs and proper installation, consult quartz countertop installers Rockville.



10 Kitchen Countertop Materials That Are Not Recommended

You might have heard of different countertops being raved up and down. But there are also some materials that you need to keep at bay because of their qualities that don’t make them a good choice for kitchen countertops. Some mentioned here have a few great qualities but also have one or more flaws that make them a bad choice. For example, marble is one of the most beautiful stones but it’s a fragile one. This means it chips, scratches, and cracks easily. So, a better choice in place of marble would be granite countertops. Let’s know more!

Kitchen Countertop Materials You Should Avoid

Glass Countertops

When it comes to countertop materials, you want to choose something that won’t break, at least not at the slightest of impact. Well, this is where glass will disappoint you. Even though it is an amazing material, made out of recycled glass and is very sustainable for the environment, glass is still very much a fragile material that doesn’t do well in the kitchen.

Glass is not entirely heat resistant. It doesn’t prevent scratches and dropping anything heavy from a reasonable height will shatter or crack the glass before you know it. So, if you want to go for a material that will last long, then natural stones or even other man-made options are better.

Something like glass will be treated with kid’s gloves in the kitchen and that is the last thing you want to do when it comes to working in the kitchen to get things done.

Marble Countertops

Marble is a beautiful, elegant, and exceptional natural stone when it comes to kitchen countertops and it is also used in bathrooms, vanities and even making sculptures. Well, marble is also really heavy on the maintenance side of things.

When it comes to maintaining marble, the steps are just too many to keep count. First of all, marble is a non-porous material, so it needs to be sealed. Not only this, the material has to be sealed every now and then to ensure that it doesn’t get damaged by water.

Next comes the actual cleaning, which is very tedious. Marble, being a fragile stone, had to be cleaned gently, otherwise you can turn a cleaning session into something terrifying. Also, you can’t use sharp knives on the surface of marble, otherwise, it will leave deep scratches on the surface and that is not what you want.

Stainless Steel Countertops

Stainless steel is an amazing material when it comes to getting something really easy to clean and manage in the kitchen. If you love industrial looks, then stainless steel should be the option to go for. So, what makes it so bad that you have to avoid it? Well, stainless steel can show fingerprints on the surface like it’s getting paid to highlight them.

There is just no way that you can properly clean a stainless steel countertop without leaving fingerprint smudges all over the surface. This is very frustrating about it and cleaning a stainless steel countertop will seem like going in circles and that is not what you want to do.

Travertine Countertops

Travertine is a beautiful stone that is derived from limestone itself. It is a wonderful material that has patterns similar to a cross between limestone and marble itself. However, it can also stain over time and it doesn’t lead to the best of results.

Similar to patina on marble, travertine can turn yellow as the years go by, but it won’t be pleasant. It will make the stone look old and that is not what you want. This is why you need to choose something else that won’t lose its original color as time passes by.

Wood Countertops

Wood is a beautiful and classic option and even though it is highly expensive, it is still something that people rave about. The higher cost is not the only concern for many people because you need to spend even more money to maintain wood countertops.

You need to seal it, tint it, polish it, and do countless other things to ensure that it stays in amazing condition. Well, that can be impossible at times and not everyone has time on their hands to do things like these, regularly.

Concrete Countertops

Concrete countertops are amazing. They’re heat resistant and they have a very rustic look to them. But what makes concrete a thumbs-down? Well, it’s the fact that it stains like there’s no tomorrow.

If you know anything about concrete, then you would know that it absorbs moisture and water like a sponge. So, you better believe that concrete will suck in all of the water available on the surface and then it will lead to stains. This is why it’s recommended that you go for something else.


When it comes to tile, the look is sleek and effortless, but the main concerning factor is are grout lines. Even though you can hire the best of the best contractors for the job, you will still feel like making the grout look clean is harder than you can imagine.

This is why you need to skip tiles, because not only is grout a problem, but it can also get very dirty and the once-white grout can turn murky and black in no time, which sounds disgusting.

Laminate Countertops

Laminate is a material that is everyone’s dream. It is a reasonably priced material that can mimic almost all looks of stones, materials, and man-made things on Earth. So, why is laminate such a bad choice? Well, because it’s not the best quality. See, laminate is prone to discolor and fade over time and that is something that bothers a lot of people.

Also, it’s not the most durable when it comes to heat and it will lead to heat stains, which is very unfortunate because removing them is almost impossible. So, laminate might be easy on the wallet, but not so much on the eyes.

Limestone Countertops

Limestone is also a very good material for the kitchen, but there are a handful of things that don’t sit well with a lot of people. First of all, it is very high maintenance. It needs almost as much maintenance as any other natural stone.

If that wasn’t enough, then limestone also doesn’t do well with heat and it can lead to blisters on the surface that look very hideous. Lastly, limestone is a soft stone, so using sharp knives won’t be the best of decisions, if you don’t want scratches to become a permanent thing.

Bamboo Countertops

Bamboo is an amazing material on the surface, but not so much when it comes to design and creativity. It is a serious bummer for people who love wooden countertops because bamboo isn’t as versatile when it comes to design options.

There are a couple of options that you can choose from and that’s pretty much it. Also, bamboo needs regular sealing and maintenance because at the end of the day, it is a wooden countertop and it needs to be treated like one too. So, bamboo isn’t the greatest of materials.


These countertops are amazing, but there are certain things like fragility, price, maintenance, and other things that need to be considered and they don’t do so well in these departments.

Still, if you love a quality of a certain material like the beauty of marble, the durability of stainless steel/concrete, the cost-effectiveness of laminate, or the sustainability of wood/bamboo/glass, then you can choose that material but beware of the disadvantages as well. If you want an indoor kitchen countertop material with the least downsides, take a look at granite and quartz countertops or consult countertop replacement services Potomac.



Are Marble Countertops Going Out Of Style?

With so many countertop options on the market, it seems like marble might have some tough competition. So, is marble still a good countertop material when you have engineered stone materials like quartz kitchen countertops? Keep on reading because you’ll find all of the answers.

Marble – Not Trendy Anymore?

Marble is a light-colored stone with slightly darker veining. It is a natural stone that is quarried from the ground and it is made into sculptures and kitchen countertops.

Marble is a countertop material that is very high in demand. It is a beautiful stone that just looks out of this world. The random veining, the pearly appearance of the stone, and the way it stands out in the kitchen are just some of the things that make marble an amazing option to go for.

But there are many options out there too. So, is marble going out of style? Well, the answer depends on some things. There are a lot of people out there who still love the appeal of natural stones, especially marble. Think about it – marble is arguably the most beautiful material to ever exist and to think that it is a natural stone that is made inside the Earth makes marble all the more amazing. This is why, no, marble isn’t going out of style anytime soon.

Marble is one of the classic materials that will look good no matter what day and age you’re in. You don’t need to go for different options, just because you think marble isn’t a good stone anymore.

Marble is an amazing stone that still turns heads everywhere you go. Even though a lot of man-made materials have a striking resemblance to marble, it doesn’t mean that they can completely take its place. It’s something that has a class of its own and you need to understand that marble is not so easily mimicked since it has abundant qualities.

Qualities Of Marble Countertops

Speaking of qualities, here are some things about marble countertops that make them still an amazing option to this day.

Ethereal And Beautiful

This goes without saying, but marble is a very beautiful and eye-catching material. It is something that you think you conjured up in your dreams.

The light color of marble along with the veining and the translucent look it has is out of this world and it goes to show that it is an amazing material all over. Not a lot of man-made dupes can top this quality because natural beauty is something you can’t copy.

Natural Patina

If looks are something you can conquer and copy to the T, you sure won’t be able to top this off. Marble naturally darkens over time. This phenomenon is known as patina. This is a quality that is loved by people who adore this marvel to bits.

This is something that not a lot of stones have and man-made stones can never copy this naturally occurring process. So, if you love the slight tint marble has, then it’s something that you will not find in other materials and that is what makes marble an amazing material all around the block.


There is just something about the look of marble that doesn’t look outdated. It is something that looks modern and chic even after many years have passed and more than thousands of materials have come and gone by. Marble is something that is here to stay thanks to its minimal beauty and appearance.

Minimal is the new classic and this is something that a lot of people love about marble. It is just so easy to decorate with any other décor in the kitchen and it goes with everything. So, if you’re someone who loves minimal and subtle kitchen countertops, then marble is the way to go.

Last Long

Even though marble is known for its fragility and very high maintenance, it is not something that will be knocked away by a slight gust of wind. Marble is a natural stone and it’s meant to last for a long time. It can last for decades and even more, if you know how to take care of it properly.

It is a material that is not only classic but durable as well. So, marble ticks all of the boxes for you, which means that the day is still very far away when it can be called outdated.

What Makes Marble Countertops A Thumbs Down For Some People?

The qualities of marble may sound like it’s the perfect material to go for. But, it’s not always the case. There are some hits, and then there are some misses. So here are all of the things that make marble a not-so-great material.

High Maintenance

You already know this, but marble needs a lot of maintenance. It is not something that you can set and forget about.

Marble needs to be sealed because it is a natural stone and it can’t be near water or moisture without making some serious and permanent stains on the surface. So, if you can handle the maintenance of marble, then it’s perfect for you.

Higher Cost

This is also no surprise, but it’s just as unfortunate that not a lot of people can afford marble. It is a natural stone, which means that it is very expensive. It is up there with granite and other exotic stones and it is just unbelievably expensive.

So, if you don’t want to put a sizable dent in your wallet, then you need to find other options because marble is going to be one big and expensive investment. But, on the flip side, it does add a lot of value to your home, so that’s a good thing.

Can Be Fragile

Marble, even though it is a natural stone, and it’s essentially a rock, can still be very fragile at times. It is a stone that can chip and crack easily. It is also a stone that doesn’t do well with water, juicy fruits, and sharp knives. It will leave stains and scratches all over the surface and it’s just not a good look at all.

This is why marble is not considered such a good choice, especially when it’s that expensive and heavy on the maintenance side of things.

Light Colors

Even though this is not an issue with most people, for some though, it can be a deal breaker. Marble countertops are only available in lighter colors, so it means that there are very few darker color options available.

If you’re someone who loves loud and bold colors like what granite has to offer, then you won’t find the same things in marble. It is something that can bug a lot of people since an expensive stone like marble doesn’t have a lot of options. So, it’s also another reason why people don’t choose marble.


Marble is classic stone for a reason and you know what they say about classics: they never go out of style. So, if you like marble and want it for your kitchen, then you know what to do. However, there a few things about marble that bother some people like mediocre durability and porosity. If you’re one of them, you should consider quartz countertops because they are more durable than marble and are non-porous. Get in touch with a quartz countertops dealer Rockville.



When To Replace Your Limestone Countertops? 10 Signs

Natural stones are the most common materials people go for when they’re opting for countertops. While marble and granite countertops remain the most popular choices, many people also choose limestone countertops. So, if you have limestone countertops for some time now, then you need to know these signs that indicate your should replace them.

Signs To Replace Limestone Countertops

The Countertops Are Chipped

The first sign you need to look out for, when you’re on the fence about changing your limestone countertops, is to look for cracks and chips. But these are not normal chips or cracks you’re concerned about. You need to look for those big, very obvious scratches and deep cuts on the surface of the countertops.

A lot of the time, hairline cracks and chips can be fixed and they’re no biggie, but what can’t be reversed is the very deep indentation in the countertops that can’t be filled or even fixed to make the countertops look better. How do these cracks happen, you ask? Well, there can be a couple of reasons why that happens.

Firstly, you might have dropped something on the countertops from a reasonable height. If that’s not the case, then maybe you’re using the countertops as a cutting board and the constant cutting of things on the countertops has led to scratches.

They Have Too Many Stains

One or two stains are not the end of the world. But what you should do if your entire countertop surface is covered and littered with stains? This is not a pretty sight at all and it can be really bad for your countertops.

You need to somehow clean the stains first, but chances are that they’re already quite permanent and they’re not going anywhere. So, if that’s the condition of your countertops, then maybe it’s best to replace them before things get too ugly. If stains have been there for a long time, then you probably need to get new countertops.

There Are Uneven Ridges

If you run your hand on the surface of the countertops, you will mostly feel smoothness and that’s a good sign. But when you start to notice bumps on the countertops and you can even see them with your own eyes then that is not ideal at all. If there are sizable divots or craters on the countertop surface, then that’s going to be a hard thing to fix.

This is why you should change the countertops before it is too late, because holes in the countertops is not a good look and you don’t want to sport these countertops in your kitchen.

The Color Is Faded

Any type of countertop gets old when the color starts to fade. This is a huge sign that you need to look out for. If your countertops are very old, then you might want to see the color of your slabs too.

Chances are that they will be extremely faded and the places you use a lot will be more lighter and dim in appearance than other unused places, so that is how you can compare. Sometimes, if you use abrasive and harsh chemical cleaners on limestone countertops, the same thing can happen. So, you should change the countertops, because they don’t look good. However, if you want to keep the countertops for a bit more, refresh your old countertops.

The Damage Is Irreversible

Sometimes, you can fix the countertops be it a small scratch or a chip on the edge. However, other times, the damage is just too far gone. You can’t fix some things when it comes to a natural stone countertop, so the best thing to do in this case? Replace the countertops.

Whether it’s a chemical stain, a blister from heat, or anything else that is at the point of no return, then you need to replace the countertops, because it will stick out like a sore thumb.

Are You Remodeling Your Kitchen?

Most people don’t even change their countertops, but 9 times out of 10, the best bet to change them can be when you’re remodeling or renovating the kitchen. This is something that a lot of people do because it’s like getting done with two things at once.

You’re getting some work done in the kitchen, so you might as well change the countertops too while you’re at it. So, if you see any damage on your limestone countertops and it’s been a while since you changed them, well, now is the perfect time to do so.

It’s Been More Than A Decade

Limestone countertops last for a long time if you take care of them, but there is also a time after which you have no choice but to change your countertops. If you’ve had your countertops for more than 10 years now, the aging will show on the countertops.

They won’t be as clean. They will be faded, splotchy, and just overall not in the best condition. This is why you want to change the countertops after the 10–15-year mark. This is going to ensure that your countertops as well as your kitchen stay in good condition for longer.

Countertops Look Outdated

There is a huge difference between old and outdated. Old countertops are, well, old. They don’t look brand new, they’re not as bright and vibrant anymore and they just look worn. Well, outdated countertops, on the other side of things, look out of place.

There are classic and timeless countertops, but then there are some designs that don’t look up to date at all. So, if your countertops look outdated, it’s because they’ve run their share in the trend marathon and now it’s time for something new. So, get new and classic countertops that will never go out of style.

You’re Selling Your House

Changing your countertops because you’re selling your house? Shouldn’t it be the other way around? Well, not exactly. You should look for natural stones because they are great when it comes to return on investment and they’re sought-after when it comes to potential buyers who are interested in your house.

So, if you’re looking for a good deal on your house, you need to change your countertops into something that is very much loved by people. Granite and marble are great choices when it comes to natural stone. Moreover, quartz is an excellent engineered stone. Buyers will flock around your house to seal the deal.

You Need More Space

You might be changing up your kitchen for an entirely different reason. You might want to free up some space by removing the countertops and maybe changing the layout a bit. Well, that is when you can change the countertops altogether too.

This is something that a lot of people do and it’s refreshing for a change. So, if you want to change the look of the kitchen and elevate the space of the countertops, then change the material too while you’re at it. It will look even better.


Limestone countertops usually last for a decent amount of time, given that you maintain them properly, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t need to be replaced. Well, now you know the signs to look out for. If your limestone countertops didn’t last as long as you expected, you should consider more durable materials like granite. Get in touch with granite contractors Potomac to take a look at various granite grades, colors and patterns.



Can You Get Scratches Out Of Quartz Countertops?

Scratches are really common to occur on countertops. You’re working on them all the time, so scratches inevitable if you think about it. The good news is that you can remove scratches from your quartz countertops. Follow this step-by-step guide to learn how to do it.

How To Remove Scratches From Your Quartz Countertops?

Have Everything Ready

Removing scratches from quartz countertops can be a pain in the neck. But that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Yes, there can be hurdles along the way and you might not get the job done properly on the first try, but there are a lot of things that you can do to rectify the problem. One of them is having everything ready to go when it’s time to remove scratches.

A lot of the time, removing the scratches doesn’t take as much time as it does to collect everything and go back and forth between fetching items. So, before you start the work, you want to ensure you have everything ready to go.

First, wear your gloves and any other protective gear you want. Afterward, have everything ready to go, be it supplies, cleaning tools, and lots of clothes nearby for easy cleanup. Once you have everything you need within reach, the whole process will go by smoothly and there won’t be any delays or problems.

Prepare Your Countertops

The next thing you want to do is prepare the countertops. If your quartz countertops have scratches on them, then first, you need to clean the countertops. There might be dirt, dust, and food all over the surface of the countertops and you want to ensure that it is clean before you get down to business.

So, take your regular countertop cleaner and a soft microfiber cloth and wipe the surfaces down until they’re clean and ready for the next step. You will see that the scratches will be more visible, which is great because you will know exactly what to cover.

Remove Everything

Another thing you want to do before you start to deal with scratches on your quartz countertops is to remove everything from the surfaces. You’re doing repair work and you don’t want flower vases, cutlery, utensils, or anything else to come in contact with the tools, otherwise, it will be hard to get anything done. So, you want to clear the space up and remove everything from the countertop surfaces.

Once the work is done, you can set everything back and go about your normal routine. But until you’re done with this project, it’s recommended that you keep the countertops empty.

For Light Scratches

Now, there are different types of scratches that you can see on quartz countertops. Some can be on the surface and some are etched very deep. So, if the scratch is not as deep, you’re in luck because you can buff it off with a light buffing tool and a grinder.

All you need to do for this is get a buffing pad that is coarse, but not too much. Then, you will apply a polishing compound on the surface of the countertops where the scratch is. Turn the grinder up to 2800 RPM and buff the surface gently. You will see that the scratch will be filled and it will also leave a polished finish.

Finally, take a dry washcloth and wipe away any debris from the countertop and you won’t see any scratches.

For Medium Scratches

For medium-depth scratches, you can go for a resin epoxy filler or you can even try the buffing technique, but this time you want to go for a more coarse buffer as well as a heavy-duty polishing compound for polishing the quartz surface. You will also want to amp up the RPM to about 3000 and the scratch will be gone for good.

For Deep Scratches

For a very deep scratch, buffing won’t be able to cut it. This is why you need to go for a resin epoxy filler. It is a colored semi-liquid paste of sorts that is used to fill in the gaps of any scratch and then once it dries, it is buffed flat.

This is an amazing way to get rid of any deep and ugly scratches on your beloved quartz countertops and if you know your way around filling, then you will do a great job. Just make sure to follow the directions and you will be good to go.

Work Slowly

With epoxy fillers, you need to be careful. You don’t want to use too much filler, but you don’t want to use less either. After the drying of the filler, once it’s in the scratch, the next important thing to do is buffing.

You want to go slowly. The last thing you need is to buff away too much which can ruin everything. So, go slowly and take your time. You will get there and the results will be amazing in the end.

Give It Time

When using an epoxy filler, you want to follow the instructions. It’s instructed that you need to leave the epoxy in the crack or scratch for about 24 hours or until it’s rock solid. That is necessary and if you try to be hasty, then everything will go down the drain.

So, if you are going to fix the scratches by yourself then you need to ensure that you’re doing it correctly and not making things harder than they have to be. You need to play the waiting game because patience is a part of this process and you don’t want things to go south.

Go For A Professional

If you think that the scratch is out of hand and you can’t fix it, or if it’s your first time doing something DIY, then it’s better to hand the work over to professionals. Countertop experts know exactly what to do and how to deal with scratches of any kind, so if you want the work to be done effortlessly and properly, then maybe consider calling in a professional who knows scratches and fixing them like the back of their hand. You will get the best results in the end.

Prevent Scratches

If you want to omit all of the above-mentioned things, then the best way to do so, is to prevent scratches from forming in the first place. Remember to use a cutting board whenever you’re dealing with knives on a countertop because quartz countertops are not cutting boards.

Try to use soft materials for cleaning and scrubbing away any dried-up foods so avoid a metal or stainless steel scrub pad. Plus, kick abrasive cleaners to the curb because they can slowly corrode your quartz surface.

Lastly, if you’re dealing with hot pots, pans, and cups, don’t put them on quartz countertops directly. Make sure to use coasters or trivets because those things are godsend and will protect your countertops.


Quartz countertops seldom scratch since they’re very much scratch resistant, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t scratch at all. This is why knowing how to remove scratches is good. Whether you need to restore your quartz countertops or replace them, get help from quartz countertop contractors Rockville for excellent workmanship and peace of mind.



How To Pick A Countertop Material For Your Outdoor Kitchen?

If you’re thinking of redoing your outdoor space and want to build a backyard kitchen, then one of the important things is figuring out the countertop material you need for your outdoor kitchen. The most popular choice is granite countertops but is it the only option? Here is what to know.

What To Know When Choosing A Countertop For An Outdoor Kitchen?

Before diving into the materials that are good for outdoor kitchen countertops, you need to understand what makes a countertop material good and what doesn’t. So, here are all the things you need to consider when choosing a material.

The Durability

The durability of a countertop material matters the most. Having a durable countertop material in an indoor kitchen is one thing, but you need to give durability even more consideration if you are to choose a countertop surface for an outdoor kitchen.

An outdoor kitchen is exposed to all kinds of elements and you want to ensure that you’re choosing a material that can withstand everything and last long for years to come. The last thing you need is a countertop material that you will need to replace every so often because it fades or cracks with heat, cold, moisture, or sunlight.

Resistance To Outdoor Elements

As mentioned previously, an outdoor kitchen is exposed to outdoor elements, beaming sunlight, downpours, and dryness. These things aren’t necessarily a problem in an indoor kitchen, but in an outdoor kitchen, you need to be able to factor in all of these things to ensure that you’re choosing a material that will be able to endure all of the harsh and continuous conditions of the weather.

So, this is important to do and you need to compare materials based on their resistance to heat, UV light rays, and even dryness because it will make a difference.

Water Resistance

The next most important bit to go over is the water resistance of a countertop material. Usually, natural stones and man-made materials are the best countertop materials out there, but natural stones are not resistant to water damage because they are naturally porous. So, you either have to seal them or you need to opt for materials that don’t have that problem altogether like stainless steel and porcelain tiles or slabs.

Water may look harmless, but it can spoil and damage the material from the inside and in an outdoor kitchen, you need to give water resistance more importance because it can be the difference between longevity and premature damage.

Now, natural stones may not be water-resistant, but they are still some of the best options for outdoor kitchens so don’t rule them out.


The next bit to go over is the price of the countertop material you’re going for in the outdoor kitchen. Your budget is really important when it comes to buying a countertop material for your outdoor kitchen. Outdoor countertop materials often do cost a bit more, and that is because they are specifically treated to last longer in the kitchen and outside.

So, when you’re considering materials for your outdoor kitchen, make sure that you know what each of them costs, so you can create a budget accordingly. If you can’t afford it, then everything is pretty much pointless.


You also want to choose a material that doesn’t need to be maintained too frequently. Now, a couple of months later, maintenance is overdue and that is pretty normal, but what isn’t is the fact that you need to slave over the material day in and day out because without it, the material will wither away.

Best Materials For Outdoor Kitchen Countertops

Now that you know what things you need to look out for, here are some of the countertop materials that are considered excellent for an outdoor kitchen.


The first and most amazing material for an outdoor kitchen is the beautiful and strong granite. Granite is a natural stone that is made out of melted rocks and minerals under high temperature and pressure and the result is a rock so beautiful and mesmerizing that you can’t help but want it in your kitchen.

It is a very strong material and the best part is that it lasts for years to come without any major problems. The only downside to this material is the price and the maintenance it needs.

Stainless Steel

If you want to say goodbye to the maintenance and the looking after of countertop material, then stainless steel countertops will take care of everything. Stainless steel is pretty much the answer to all of your countertop and outdoor kitchen-related problems.

The material is non-porous, it doesn’t need to be sealed or maintained in any way, it’s beautiful, especially if you’re someone who loves an industrial and minimal look, and it’s overall very strong. So, if you have a bit of room in your budget, then definitely go for stainless steel, because you can set it and forget it.

But keep in mind that stainless steel gets cold to touch in winter and becomes very warm under direct sunlight.


If you’re looking for another maintenance-free option in countertops, then glass won’t disappoint you. Glass is a very beautiful and hassle-free material and it is one of the best options you can go for because it does not need to be cleaned and it’s also amazing when it comes to longevity.

The only downside of glass countertops is the fact that it is, infamously, prone to breakage. If you let it out and something falls on top of the countertops with a reasonable impact, then it can shatter, so that’s just something you need to look out for.

Porcelain Tiles

Porcelain tiles are also a great option when it comes to outdoor kitchen countertops. Tiles are mostly very easy to install and even though they are not as strong as thick slabs of rock or man-made material, it is very easily replaceable, so much so that you can even do so by yourself.

Porcelain tiles are also available in many designs and patterns so you can choose any color or pattern you want.

The only problem with tile is the fact that it can be hard to clean, especially around the crevices of the tile, because the space between the tile, also known as grout can be hard to reach into and clean.

If you like porcelain as a countertop surface but not tiles, you can also choose porcelain slabs that don’t have grout lines. However, if you like tiles, you can also look into stone tiles like granite tiles, marble tiles, and can also ask for concrete tiles. But they won’t be water-resistant whereas porcelain tiles and slabs are.


Lastly, quartzite is another natural stone that people often confuse with quartz. Quartz is a man-made material and it’s not a good choice for outdoors since it doesn’t have natural UV protection and sunlight can make the material dull.

However, with quartzite, you won’t have to face any of these problems because it is a durable, waterproof, and stain-resistant material that will surprise you with its qualities and strength.


An outdoor kitchen needs to be sturdy, otherwise, it won’t last long. As you’re choosing durable materials like concrete and stainless steel for other parts of the kitchen, don’t forget to pick a sturdy option when it comes to your outdoor kitchen countertops. Get in touch with a granite contractor Potomac to take a look at various options and choose the right one.