Sintered Stone Vs. Quartz Countertops: Facts To Know

Whether you’re remodeling your kitchen or revamping some parts of it, kitchen countertops are also something that you need to go over. Here is a detailed comparison between sintered stone and quartz countertops – two of the most popular man-made kitchen countertop materials.

A Comparison Between Quartz And Sintered Stone Countertops


The composition of a countertop material is really important to consider because it tells you about the durability, longevity, and the maintenance of the stone.

Quartz Countertops

As far as quartz is concerned, this countertop material is made out of natural quartz stone and resin. The composition is usually 90-95% quartz and the rest is resin and polymers. This makes quartz extremely hard, durable, and amazing. It also gives the material the shine that everyone knows and loves.

Keep in mind that the lesser the resin percentage is, the higher quality quartz it will be, so always make sure that you’re going for a good quartz composition and you will be good to go for a long time.

Sintered Stone Countertops

Sintered stone, on the other hand, might be something new to your ears, but it’s actually been around for a decent time and it is slowly gaining a lot of popularity, so people are considering this stone for their countertops and island tops.

Sintered stone is made by a process called sintering. In this process, rocks, like natural stones, quartz, glass and porcelain are subjected to high heat and pressure and this is what melts the stones and mixes them together to form a very durable and strong stone. It is very beautiful and it looks amazing in kitchens.

The special thing about sintered stone is that it is made only with natural minerals without the use of any resins or polymers unlike quartz. This makes it more durable than quartz.


Next up is the durability of the materials. Let’s face it: if you’re buying a countertop material, then it needs to be a great stone with epic durability because, at the end of the day, you want it to last for decades.

Quartz Countertops

Quartz is a very durable material, so much so that it can exceed granite in some cases too. Quartz is a long-lasting material and it won’t budge or break under immense pressure or force. So, you will not regret getting this material for your kitchen because it won’t let you down.

Sintered Stone Countertops

Sintered stone is also a very durable material. Since some of the main constituents in sintered stone are quartz, glass, and porcelain, the stone is a wonderful exhibit of strength and longevity. It lasts just as long as quartz, if not more.

However, it can chip or break if you put too much force on it, so that can be a problem. For any countertop, you don’t want to test its strength by putting your body weight on it. It will only do more bad for you than good. This is why you want to take care of sintered stone because then it will last longer and that’s what you want at the end of the day.


Maintenance is also another very important factor to consider because when you’re buying countertops for your kitchen, you want to know how much material needs to be taken care of. You don’t want to blindly buy a material and then take care of it and handle it with kid’s gloves. That will only end up making you miserable.

Quartz Countertops

Quartz is an amazing material and the best part? It doesn’t need a lot of maintenance either. If you’re getting a matte countertop finish, then you don’t even need to get it polished. For polished countertops, all you need to do is get it polished only if you see that the luster is getting a bit dim. Apart from that, you just need to focus on day to day cleaning.

 Sintered Stone Countertops

Sintered stone is also low maintenance. Since it is a man-made stone, it is not porous, so it doesn’t need to be sealed and it won’t get stained either. For cleaning, you can stick to your good ole detergent and warm water and use a wet washcloth. That is pretty much all you need to do to maintain sintered stone.


Next up is the price of the countertops. No matter how good a countertop material is and how much people rave about it if it’s expensive, then there’s no way you’re buying it, especially if it’s out of budget.

Quartz and sintered stone vary a bit in the price range. Quartz is considered to be a lot more affordable than sintered stone because the latter has to be made with a lot of complex processes and the industrial manufacturing involved is high-tech. So, if you have a tight budget, then quartz will be the best option to go for.


Heat and scratch resistance is really important to go over too because you don’t want to go for a fragile material that will scratch and stain with the slightest force of a sharp object or by any liquid.

Quartz Countertops

Quartz, because it’s non-porous, will not stain, but it is stained and ruined by heat above 150 Fahrenheit. If you put a lot of hot pots and pans on its surface, then it will cause the material to get black and hideous stains and that’s not what you want because they will be almost impossible to remove. As for scratches, quartz is a pretty strong material and it doesn’t scratch as much. Moreover, quartz is not UV resistant so you should never use it in an outdoor kitchen.

Sintered Stone Countertops

Sintered stone is heat proof. Since the process of making sintered stone involves fusing natural materials under high heat and pressure, the resulting stone is a material that doesn’t budge with a lot of heat.

As for scratches, it is recommended that you use a cutting board if you want to keep the countertops looking amazing because even though sintered stone is amazing and durable, it still scratches, so you want to be careful especially when you’re dealing with sharp knives on the countertops.

Another advantage of sintered stone is that it’s UV-resistant. You can install it in your outdoor kitchen without any hesitation.

Versatility In Design

The versatility of the countertop material is really important to consider because some materials can be very hard to the point where they can’t be fabricated into any other shape or design besides their standard ones and that can be a letdown for a lot of people. So, you need to go for stones that have loads and loads of options when it comes to fabrication design and all that.

Quartz Countertops

Quartz, for the most part, can be fabricated into any design you like. It is available in prefabricated options and you can also get your design and cuts in it as well. Of course, custom designs will cost you a bit more than pre-cut designs, but if you want to go for it, then it’s up to you.

Sintered Stone Countertops

As for sintered stone, it can also be made into a variety of designs and with its increasing popularity, it is being used in bathrooms, vanities and even other parts of the house besides the kitchen and that is real versatility. Sintered stone is here to stay and you’ll be surprised by the amazing qualities it harbors and displays when you are using it.


Sintered stone and quartz both have their sets of qualities and downsides and now with this comparison, you can figure out which one you want to go for. If you want more details about any countertop material, get in touch with quartz countertop contractors Potomac.

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