
Quartz Vs. Terrazzo Countertops: Which One Is Better?

Are you remodeling your kitchen? Well, if that’s the case, then you might also be thinking about which countertop option to choose. If you’re considering engineered countertops, there is a good variety in this category as well. Here is a comparison between two common man-made countertop materials: terrazzo and quartz countertops.

What Are The Differences Between Quartz And Terrazzo Countertops?


First, you need to know what each material comprises. You might think that composition is not as important, but you’re wrong. It is because of the composition of a material that you can determine the strength, the longevity, and the overall qualities and downsides of a material.

Quartz Countertops

When it comes to quartz countertops, they are made out of a man-made material. Quartz usually consists of pulverized stones and minerals and then it is compacted to make it look solid, strong, and almost indestructible.

Quartz is an amazing man-made material to go for and also one of the most popular ones among homeowners. As it’s an engineered stone, there is a huge variety of colors and patterns. Once you get your hands on quartz, you won’t want to go back.

Terrazzo Countertops

Terrazzo is a very unique material that is also man-made. It is sometimes referred to as a quartz look-alike, but there is still a difference in how the material is made. It is made of leftover shards and broken pieces of stones, like marble, sand, granite, glass, and even shells and then everything is bonded together with an epoxy.

This is what gives the countertop its hard and very stone-like appearance. This is an amazing material to go for if you want something that looks like quartz but isn’t that expensive.


The next thing to consider when you’re choosing from an array of countertop materials is durability. There is just something attractive about materials that can last long and there is always a flock of people around materials that are easy to handle and don’t get knocked off the line by the slightest of damages.

Quartz Countertops

Quartz is one of the best man-made materials you can go for because it is just so strong and durable. You don’t need to worry about chips, cracks, the material getting eroded, or anything like that. Quartz also has a great resistance to chemicals and harsh substances which is always a plus too.

Terrazzo Countertops

Terrazzo is less durable than quartz. See, terrazzo, even though it is made out of pulverized rocks and glass pieces, is still very vulnerable to cracks, corrosion, and damage because of the epoxy. It can also discolor over time and that is just not what you want to witness.

So, as amazing as terrazzo is, there is nothing that can make it more durable than quartz or many other man-made material. This is frustrating because terrazzo is a beautiful material, but it lacks potential, no matter how similar it is to some of the strongest materials out there.

Heat Resistance

Speaking of beauty, this is also a very important thing to consider when people are buying countertops. Of course, they want to get materials that are durable, but they also want to get their hands on materials that are easy on the eyes.

Quartz Countertops

Quartz is a beautiful material. A lot of people find it strikingly similar to marble which is just amazing. To have a material that looks like marble, but is stronger and more efficient than it is just out of this world. So, if you want to score some points in this department, then quartz won’t disappoint. It will transform your kitchen for the better.

Terrazzo Countertops

Terrazzo countertops are also very beautiful. The light background of colors and the slight sheen of the material is really good. You will not regret getting terrazzo either, especially if you’re the one who goes for the looks alone.

However, not all people like the way terrazzo looks. So, before buying, take a look at various terrazzo slabs to know if this is something you like because they are a bit different from other stones and materials.


Maintenance is the one thing that people fret the most over. No matter how beautiful, popular, or amazing a material is, if it’s high maintenance, then you can forget about it.

Quartz Countertops

Well, when it comes to quartz, the material is just very low maintenance, if you don’t count heat blisters. This is probably the only thing that quartz lacks and that is heat resistance. Other than that, the material is amazing when it comes to taking care of it.

You can use homemade or store-bought cleaners to clean the countertops. You don’t need to seal it because it’s waterproof and there are just a lot of things that you don’t have to do when it comes to quartz. Amazing, isn’t it?

Terrazzo Countertops

Well, as for terrazzo, sadly the same can’t be said. Even though it is decently durable, it is still nowhere near quartz. It is not as strong, it can’t take on harsh cleaning products so the choice of cleaners is really important if you don’t want to ruin your countertops, and it’s just overall a material that demands a lot. So, this is something that you need to go over. However, like many other materials, you can repair terrazzo countertops if they get damaged.


This is also a very important factor to go over because if you can’t afford a material then what is the point of all of the qualities?

Quartz Countertops

This is where quartz loses major points. It is very expensive compared to other man-made materials. So much so that people usually can’t even afford it, which is a huge bummer.

Terrazzo Countertops

Terrazzo is cheaper than quartz. You don’t need to too much money when getting your hands on these babies and that is what makes this countertop material just that much more better than quartz.

Water Resistance

Lastly, you also want to consider the water resistance, because believe it or not, countertops are more damaged by water than anything else.

Quartz Countertops

Quartz is water resistant. It doesn’t need to be sealed because there are virtually no pores on the surface and it’s just amazing. However, it’s better if you can seal it, just to be safe. If there is even the smallest of scratches on the countertops, then it will be detrimental and you will have a huge problem on your hands. So, sealing quartz is always the better option.

Terrazzo Countertops

For terrazzo countertops, sealing is not an option but a requirement. Terrazzo is naturally quite porous and since the bonding material is epoxy, it can wear away quickly. This is why you want to seal the countertops to prevent them from either turning yellow or just getting ruined by water.

Sealing can be a pain in the neck, but the damage will be more painful and difficult to deal with if you don’t take care of terrazzo. So, it’s better to be safe than sorry and figure out the best way to safeguard your precious kitchen countertops.


Terrazzo and quartz are equally beautiful materials, and now you know exactly which one to go for. If you want something different from regular countertops and affordable, then terrazzo is a good choice. However, if you want low maintenance, durable, and beautiful countertops, pick quartz. For any queries, consult quartz countertop contractors Rockville.



Can You Get Scratches Out Of Quartz Countertops?

Scratches are really common to occur on countertops. You’re working on them all the time, so scratches inevitable if you think about it. The good news is that you can remove scratches from your quartz countertops. Follow this step-by-step guide to learn how to do it.

How To Remove Scratches From Your Quartz Countertops?

Have Everything Ready

Removing scratches from quartz countertops can be a pain in the neck. But that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Yes, there can be hurdles along the way and you might not get the job done properly on the first try, but there are a lot of things that you can do to rectify the problem. One of them is having everything ready to go when it’s time to remove scratches.

A lot of the time, removing the scratches doesn’t take as much time as it does to collect everything and go back and forth between fetching items. So, before you start the work, you want to ensure you have everything ready to go.

First, wear your gloves and any other protective gear you want. Afterward, have everything ready to go, be it supplies, cleaning tools, and lots of clothes nearby for easy cleanup. Once you have everything you need within reach, the whole process will go by smoothly and there won’t be any delays or problems.

Prepare Your Countertops

The next thing you want to do is prepare the countertops. If your quartz countertops have scratches on them, then first, you need to clean the countertops. There might be dirt, dust, and food all over the surface of the countertops and you want to ensure that it is clean before you get down to business.

So, take your regular countertop cleaner and a soft microfiber cloth and wipe the surfaces down until they’re clean and ready for the next step. You will see that the scratches will be more visible, which is great because you will know exactly what to cover.

Remove Everything

Another thing you want to do before you start to deal with scratches on your quartz countertops is to remove everything from the surfaces. You’re doing repair work and you don’t want flower vases, cutlery, utensils, or anything else to come in contact with the tools, otherwise, it will be hard to get anything done. So, you want to clear the space up and remove everything from the countertop surfaces.

Once the work is done, you can set everything back and go about your normal routine. But until you’re done with this project, it’s recommended that you keep the countertops empty.

For Light Scratches

Now, there are different types of scratches that you can see on quartz countertops. Some can be on the surface and some are etched very deep. So, if the scratch is not as deep, you’re in luck because you can buff it off with a light buffing tool and a grinder.

All you need to do for this is get a buffing pad that is coarse, but not too much. Then, you will apply a polishing compound on the surface of the countertops where the scratch is. Turn the grinder up to 2800 RPM and buff the surface gently. You will see that the scratch will be filled and it will also leave a polished finish.

Finally, take a dry washcloth and wipe away any debris from the countertop and you won’t see any scratches.

For Medium Scratches

For medium-depth scratches, you can go for a resin epoxy filler or you can even try the buffing technique, but this time you want to go for a more coarse buffer as well as a heavy-duty polishing compound for polishing the quartz surface. You will also want to amp up the RPM to about 3000 and the scratch will be gone for good.

For Deep Scratches

For a very deep scratch, buffing won’t be able to cut it. This is why you need to go for a resin epoxy filler. It is a colored semi-liquid paste of sorts that is used to fill in the gaps of any scratch and then once it dries, it is buffed flat.

This is an amazing way to get rid of any deep and ugly scratches on your beloved quartz countertops and if you know your way around filling, then you will do a great job. Just make sure to follow the directions and you will be good to go.

Work Slowly

With epoxy fillers, you need to be careful. You don’t want to use too much filler, but you don’t want to use less either. After the drying of the filler, once it’s in the scratch, the next important thing to do is buffing.

You want to go slowly. The last thing you need is to buff away too much which can ruin everything. So, go slowly and take your time. You will get there and the results will be amazing in the end.

Give It Time

When using an epoxy filler, you want to follow the instructions. It’s instructed that you need to leave the epoxy in the crack or scratch for about 24 hours or until it’s rock solid. That is necessary and if you try to be hasty, then everything will go down the drain.

So, if you are going to fix the scratches by yourself then you need to ensure that you’re doing it correctly and not making things harder than they have to be. You need to play the waiting game because patience is a part of this process and you don’t want things to go south.

Go For A Professional

If you think that the scratch is out of hand and you can’t fix it, or if it’s your first time doing something DIY, then it’s better to hand the work over to professionals. Countertop experts know exactly what to do and how to deal with scratches of any kind, so if you want the work to be done effortlessly and properly, then maybe consider calling in a professional who knows scratches and fixing them like the back of their hand. You will get the best results in the end.

Prevent Scratches

If you want to omit all of the above-mentioned things, then the best way to do so, is to prevent scratches from forming in the first place. Remember to use a cutting board whenever you’re dealing with knives on a countertop because quartz countertops are not cutting boards.

Try to use soft materials for cleaning and scrubbing away any dried-up foods so avoid a metal or stainless steel scrub pad. Plus, kick abrasive cleaners to the curb because they can slowly corrode your quartz surface.

Lastly, if you’re dealing with hot pots, pans, and cups, don’t put them on quartz countertops directly. Make sure to use coasters or trivets because those things are godsend and will protect your countertops.


Quartz countertops seldom scratch since they’re very much scratch resistant, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t scratch at all. This is why knowing how to remove scratches is good. Whether you need to restore your quartz countertops or replace them, get help from quartz countertop contractors Rockville for excellent workmanship and peace of mind.



Sintered Stone Vs. Quartz Countertops: Facts To Know

Whether you’re remodeling your kitchen or revamping some parts of it, kitchen countertops are also something that you need to go over. Here is a detailed comparison between sintered stone and quartz countertops – two of the most popular man-made kitchen countertop materials.

A Comparison Between Quartz And Sintered Stone Countertops


The composition of a countertop material is really important to consider because it tells you about the durability, longevity, and the maintenance of the stone.

Quartz Countertops

As far as quartz is concerned, this countertop material is made out of natural quartz stone and resin. The composition is usually 90-95% quartz and the rest is resin and polymers. This makes quartz extremely hard, durable, and amazing. It also gives the material the shine that everyone knows and loves.

Keep in mind that the lesser the resin percentage is, the higher quality quartz it will be, so always make sure that you’re going for a good quartz composition and you will be good to go for a long time.

Sintered Stone Countertops

Sintered stone, on the other hand, might be something new to your ears, but it’s actually been around for a decent time and it is slowly gaining a lot of popularity, so people are considering this stone for their countertops and island tops.

Sintered stone is made by a process called sintering. In this process, rocks, like natural stones, quartz, glass and porcelain are subjected to high heat and pressure and this is what melts the stones and mixes them together to form a very durable and strong stone. It is very beautiful and it looks amazing in kitchens.

The special thing about sintered stone is that it is made only with natural minerals without the use of any resins or polymers unlike quartz. This makes it more durable than quartz.


Next up is the durability of the materials. Let’s face it: if you’re buying a countertop material, then it needs to be a great stone with epic durability because, at the end of the day, you want it to last for decades.

Quartz Countertops

Quartz is a very durable material, so much so that it can exceed granite in some cases too. Quartz is a long-lasting material and it won’t budge or break under immense pressure or force. So, you will not regret getting this material for your kitchen because it won’t let you down.

Sintered Stone Countertops

Sintered stone is also a very durable material. Since some of the main constituents in sintered stone are quartz, glass, and porcelain, the stone is a wonderful exhibit of strength and longevity. It lasts just as long as quartz, if not more.

However, it can chip or break if you put too much force on it, so that can be a problem. For any countertop, you don’t want to test its strength by putting your body weight on it. It will only do more bad for you than good. This is why you want to take care of sintered stone because then it will last longer and that’s what you want at the end of the day.


Maintenance is also another very important factor to consider because when you’re buying countertops for your kitchen, you want to know how much material needs to be taken care of. You don’t want to blindly buy a material and then take care of it and handle it with kid’s gloves. That will only end up making you miserable.

Quartz Countertops

Quartz is an amazing material and the best part? It doesn’t need a lot of maintenance either. If you’re getting a matte countertop finish, then you don’t even need to get it polished. For polished countertops, all you need to do is get it polished only if you see that the luster is getting a bit dim. Apart from that, you just need to focus on day to day cleaning.

 Sintered Stone Countertops

Sintered stone is also low maintenance. Since it is a man-made stone, it is not porous, so it doesn’t need to be sealed and it won’t get stained either. For cleaning, you can stick to your good ole detergent and warm water and use a wet washcloth. That is pretty much all you need to do to maintain sintered stone.


Next up is the price of the countertops. No matter how good a countertop material is and how much people rave about it if it’s expensive, then there’s no way you’re buying it, especially if it’s out of budget.

Quartz and sintered stone vary a bit in the price range. Quartz is considered to be a lot more affordable than sintered stone because the latter has to be made with a lot of complex processes and the industrial manufacturing involved is high-tech. So, if you have a tight budget, then quartz will be the best option to go for.


Heat and scratch resistance is really important to go over too because you don’t want to go for a fragile material that will scratch and stain with the slightest force of a sharp object or by any liquid.

Quartz Countertops

Quartz, because it’s non-porous, will not stain, but it is stained and ruined by heat above 150 Fahrenheit. If you put a lot of hot pots and pans on its surface, then it will cause the material to get black and hideous stains and that’s not what you want because they will be almost impossible to remove. As for scratches, quartz is a pretty strong material and it doesn’t scratch as much. Moreover, quartz is not UV resistant so you should never use it in an outdoor kitchen.

Sintered Stone Countertops

Sintered stone is heat proof. Since the process of making sintered stone involves fusing natural materials under high heat and pressure, the resulting stone is a material that doesn’t budge with a lot of heat.

As for scratches, it is recommended that you use a cutting board if you want to keep the countertops looking amazing because even though sintered stone is amazing and durable, it still scratches, so you want to be careful especially when you’re dealing with sharp knives on the countertops.

Another advantage of sintered stone is that it’s UV-resistant. You can install it in your outdoor kitchen without any hesitation.

Versatility In Design

The versatility of the countertop material is really important to consider because some materials can be very hard to the point where they can’t be fabricated into any other shape or design besides their standard ones and that can be a letdown for a lot of people. So, you need to go for stones that have loads and loads of options when it comes to fabrication design and all that.

Quartz Countertops

Quartz, for the most part, can be fabricated into any design you like. It is available in prefabricated options and you can also get your design and cuts in it as well. Of course, custom designs will cost you a bit more than pre-cut designs, but if you want to go for it, then it’s up to you.

Sintered Stone Countertops

As for sintered stone, it can also be made into a variety of designs and with its increasing popularity, it is being used in bathrooms, vanities and even other parts of the house besides the kitchen and that is real versatility. Sintered stone is here to stay and you’ll be surprised by the amazing qualities it harbors and displays when you are using it.


Sintered stone and quartz both have their sets of qualities and downsides and now with this comparison, you can figure out which one you want to go for. If you want more details about any countertop material, get in touch with quartz countertop contractors Potomac.



10 Countertop Materials You Can Choose In Place Of Marble

Marble is a beautiful countertop material, but since it’s an expensive material, a lot of people can’t afford it. Those who can, still want an option that looks like marble or more durable than marble, but with a lower price tag. If you want countertop materials similar to marble, then you’re at the right place. Hint: some are even better than marble such as granite and quartz countertops. Let’s begin!

Alternatives To Marble Countertops


If marble isn’t in your budget and you just can’t deal with the mountain of maintenance it needs, then you can skip it and go for a very durable, beautiful, and simple quartz.

Quartz is a man-made material made out of natural quartz, minerals, and resin all packed together to give a countertop that is so strong that it will outlive everything else. You can get quartz in a variety of colors too, but if you want to stick to the light marble theme, then quartz has tons of options for you to choose from.

The light background with the contrasting subtle veining is to die for and you will love the look of it in your kitchen. It’s certainly the closest material to marble as far as looks are concerned and it’s also one of the most long-lasting ones, so you know that you won’t need to slave over its maintenance.


Even though its name is anything but light, onyx comes in a lot of light colors too and one of the striking resemblances it has to marble is the fact that it looks very much like the fragile stone, but it’s anything but. The color variety of onyx will leave you confused in the best way and you can rest assured that these slabs will last long in the kitchen.

Another great thing about onyx is that it’s very resistant to heat, so say goodbye to those heat stains.

The only downside is that it needs to be sealed because the surface of onyx has a lot of pores that tend to suck water and moisture in. This can ruin your countertops. So, seal them and you will be good to go.


It sounds like quartz, but it’s natural stone and it looks just like marble. If you want to get your hands on a natural stone, since marble is one too, you’re going to love quartzite countertops. Quartzite has that soft and rough and tough finish that perfect quartz doesn’t have and it looks amazing in the kitchen.

It also has a decent color variety and since it’s primarily available in lighter colors, you can get your hands on muted hues. However, just like any other natural stone, you will need to make it waterproof by sealing it. It’s a measure that will make it long-lasting.


Next in line is granite. Now, you might be thinking: How does granite make a good alternative to marble? It’s dark! Well, granite is available in lighter colors too and you can get amazing slabs in muted colors with the same natural beauty that everyone knows and loves about marble. And the plus point is that granite is more rigid and durable than marble.

There is also subtle veining and mosaic patterns on granite that add that extra layer of something-something to your countertops. Moreover, many types and qualities of granite are cheaper than marble.


Just like its name, soapstone is light, soft, and slippery in the best way. If you want something that looks like marble but has the feel of butter, then soapstone is the material for you. It is soft to the touch and the random subtle and heavy veining just takes this material to the next level.

Be warned though because soapstone is a very fragile material and it can be chipped or cracked if you put too much pressure on it. So, try to take it easy on the poor material and don’t use sharp knives directly on the surface of soapstone and also don’t put heavy items on it if you don’t want scratches or cracks on the surface.


White concrete can also mimic the appearance of marble, that is if you do it right. White concrete is available in either pre-made slabs or you can get them fabricated and even add veining to give it that marble-like appeal.

Concrete is a highly porous material though and it can darken over time, especially if you get it wet a lot, so you’ll need to have it sealed and polished after every couple of months. However, it is a much cheaper, but durable option as compared to marble. So, there are many good things going for concrete.


Neolith is a new material in the realm of countertops, but it’s getting more and more popular. It is made out of pulverized quartz, glass, and porcelain and it’s a lightweight and durable option for those who want their countertops to look like that of marble. It also has a reasonable price and it is affordable to install. Since it’s lightweight, most people can install it by themselves too.

To add to the qualities of neolith, it is also heat resistant, so all in all, it’s a great material for someone who wants marble-like countertops, but on a budget.


The beautiful porcelain! Even though porcelain slabs are seldom used in kitchens, you can still see the similarities between porcelain and marble. It’s a material that screams “opulence” and “indulgence” and the iridescent look and light color of porcelain will steal your heart.

However, it’s not as strong as the other options. It can chip pretty easily, so it might not be the best option for the kitchen. However, you can safely use it in the bathroom as countertops and vanities and that will look amazing. Porcelain can also be used to make shower fixtures.

But if you only want porcelain for kitchen countertops, there are some varieties that are tougher which can use.

Solid Surface

A durable, man-made option is solid surface. This material is pulverized minerals and resin all sealed together in a rock-hard thing of beauty. The light color is very similar to marble and it also has the option of veining like marble and natural stone countertops.

Solid surface is pretty much robust and indestructible. It’s heat resistant, it doesn’t stain, it doesn’t scratch and it also has built-in UV protection to prevent darkening of the countertops.


If you want a material that is affordable and can mimic almost all of the countertops known to man, then vinyl is the one you want to go for. It’s a combination of plywood slabs and decorative sheets on top. These sheets are magical things because you can print any countertop design on them, stick them onto the panel and call it a day.

It’s probably the cheapest option available so you can safely that it’s not as durable as other options on this list.


Who says you can’t get the beauty of marble countertops at a much more reasonable price? Now you can choose from a list of materials that look strikingly similar to marble. If you want the best options, choose granite or quartz. Get in touch with quartz countertop contractors Potomac to take a look at various light-colored quartz slabs.



Beware: These 10 Things Can Damage Your Quartz Countertops

Quartz is one of the most durable kitchen countertop materials out there. However, there are certain habits and things that you need to avoid doing because those can damage your precious countertops. So, let’s know what you need to avoid to keep your quartz countertops looking clean and beautiful.

Bashing Things On The Surface

We’ve all been there. Whether it’s tenderizing meat on the countertops or using heavy things to break the shells of nuts, most don’t even realize that they’re doing this on the countertops. While quartz countertops are pretty strong, it doesn’t mean that you can go around taking your aggression out on the surfaces. Once or twice is fine, but over time this can lead to cracks and chips on the surface and if the crack gets bigger, then it will be a nightmare to repair.

So, if you can, try to avoid smashing things on quartz countertops because you might just ruin your perfectly good countertops, which costed you a small fortune to install. Smash things on the floor after keeping a wood plank on it instead because that will not only get the job done, but your countertops stay safe from the damage.

Putting Weight On The Countertops

You might be guilty of doing this as well. When it’s hard to reach for things, you can sometimes use countertops as a stand to reach a cabinet or something that’s out of reach. Quartz countertops can get impact damage if you stand on top of them for too long. Quartz may look like a super durable material, but it can still get damaged if you put a lot of weight on one point of the surface.

Putting heavy groceries on the countertops can also lead to damage. So, what to do? Well, you need to be careful when putting a lot of weight on the countertops. If you want to grab something that you can’t reach, then use a stool instead of your countertops. Similarly, if you have to put something heavy on the quartz surface, make sure its weight is distributed. You will thank yourself for taking care of your quartz countertops in the future.

Using Abrasive Cleaners

Abrasive cleaners include things like scrubbing pads, hard sponges, and things like metal scrapers, sandpapers, and pointy needles. These things are used a lot to get rid of dried-up food crumbs and debris present on the countertops, but you might want to think twice before using them. Why? Because it will lead to scratches and deep slashes on the surface of the countertops.

Quartz can easily be cleaned with a microfiber cloth and a toothbrush to get rid of the dried and clumped-up food and that’s pretty much it. You don’t need to use these harsh things.

Throwing Things

Heavy pots and pans may look harmless, but they’re anything but, if you’re throwing them from a height. A lot of the time, you don’t realize that you’re using a lot of force to settle the pots and pans on the countertops. This is not a good thing because similar to smashing, quartz countertops can also get damaged and chipped by setting heavy pots down with a lot of force.

Try to gently put the pots on the countertops and make sure that you’re using trivets to create a barrier between the countertops and the heavy-bottomed pot.

Letting Spills Sit

Even though quartz doesn’t stain like most natural stone countertop materials, it’s still better if you don’t let spills sit on the surface for too long. This is because quartz is generally light in color and any spill, whether it’s food or liquid, will show up very prominently on the surface.

So, whenever you see a spill, clean it up right away because the longer the spill sits, the deeper the stain will be and the harder it will be to remove. Not to mention, not cleaning spills just makes the countertops look super dirty and you don’t want that.

High Temperature Equals Disaster

Quartz is not as heat resistant as natural stones and that’s a fact. Some people believe that quartz is a really good insulator of heat and that high temperature doesn’t affect the material, but they couldn’t be more wrong.

High temperatures can lead to heat stains that are dark, permanent, and downright ugly. They can ruin perfect countertops in no time and this is why you need to ensure that you’re not putting piping hot things directly on the countertop surface because things will take a turn for the worst. Use cutting boards or trivets to handle all of the hot stuff.

Not Using A Cutting Board

Sometimes, you might mindlessly use sharp knives directly on the surface of quartz countertops. While once or twice doesn’t matter much, you don’t want to make it a habit. Not only is it unsanitary, but it can also cause scratches over time.

If you want your countertops to look perfect and beautiful, then you need to use a cutting board when cutting anything. The cutting board will take the scratches leaving your quartz countertops beautiful. They will also help you keep your countertops stain-free.

Also, cutting boards are great to use if you want to cut or put very hot things on the countertops for cutting them.

Habitual Use Of Harsh Chemicals

Harsh chemicals like bleach, acidic cleaners, and ammonia-based cleaners are a big no when it comes to cleaning quartz countertops. You don’t need these harsh cleaners, especially when you have the good ole lukewarm water and soap solution. If there is a stain that you want to treat or if you want to disinfect the countertops, then you can use a mixture of water and rubbing alcohol and that’s pretty much all there is to it. Using chemicals will only ruin the countertops in the long run.

Not Cleaning The Countertops

If you’re cleaning your countertops every single day, then they will look spotless and shiny at all times. However, not all people follow this simple thing. Since quartz is usually light in color, it’s best that you don’t forget about this crucial step.

Countertops are the most used surfaces in the entire kitchen, so you want to ensure that you’re cleaning them regularly as soon as you’re done for the day. You’ll not only see that the countertops look and feel more clean, but you won’t end up needing those specialty cleaners that cost a lot. So, keep things simple and you’ll be good to go.

Excessive Sunlight Exposure

This might surprise you but, quartz is sensitive to sunlight. Quartz isn’t a material that has natural UV protection, so it can fade and discolor under excessive exposure to sunlight. This is why quartz countertops are not recommended for outdoor kitchens. You might notice your countertops looking marginally faded if they’re somewhere near the window or in direct sunlight in the kitchen.

What you can do is apply a UV protective sealant to prevent further damage to the countertops. And if you haven’t installed the countertop yet, make sure the area of the kitchen where you will install them doesn’t receive direct sunlight.


Even though quartz countertops are strong and durable, it still doesn’t mean that you need to test the limit. Handle them with care and they will last forever. If your countertop is damaged and you want to repair it or require a replacement, get in touch with quartz countertop contractors Rockville.



9 Reasons Why You Should Not Buy Laminate Countertops

Laminate is one of the cheapest materials that can be used for kitchen countertops. Here are some reasons why you would want to think twice before choosing laminate countertops and instead of laminate, choose quartz countertops.

Disadvantages Of laminate Countertops

It Looks Cheap

It’s a hard hit, but it’s true. Laminate countertops, even though they have a very versatile and can be made to look like any material you want, can look cheap at times. You can definitely tell if your kitchen countertops are cheap or luxurious just by looking at them and sadly, laminate countertops don’t pass the beauty test.

The feel of the material isn’t the best as compared to natural stones and the look is similar to shiny plastic, which might sound okay, but it’s not.

There is an array of colors and patterns to choose from, but there is not a single one that exudes a contemporary and lux vibe. It’s entirely generic and the ones that look like wood or natural stones still appear a bit fake.

Yes, the material is inexpensive, but that doesn’t mean that the looks need to be compromised. Even concrete countertops look better in appearance when compared side by side to laminate. Looks matter the most to a majority of people and laminate countertops just doesn’t cut it.

It Can Get Stained

You might think that because of the super hard and non-porous surface, laminate can’t get stained. Well, this demerit is going to burst that little bubble. Laminate countertops are susceptible to stains, especially if you don’t clean them every single day. Food, liquid spills, and even dried-up food can be a nightmare to remove if you let these things sit on the surface for too long.

While it’s recommended that you clean your countertops daily, this fact can still be off-putting for a lot since laminate is marketed as a low-maintenance material. Given its characteristics, however, it’s not different from natural stones that need to be maintained by regular sealing, polishing, etc. So, why not choose something that’s at least pretty to look at and will add some value to your space? This is why quartz countertops are much better than laminate. But it comes with a bit higher price tag.

Not Scratch-Resistant

This one is truly discouraging because laminate is a hard material. When you see those ugly and deep scratches on the surface of laminate, your heart will drop to the floor. As unfortunate as it sounds, it’s something that you need to accept. Laminate is not scratch-resistant.

Sharp knives, pointy skewers, and even certain utensils will scratch the hard surface and it will stick out like a sore thumb. You would know how a single scratch can ruin the look of your countertops and laminate falls right into that category. At least, with natural stones and even some man-made options, scratches don’t occur that easily.

You can take quartz, limestone, tiles, and even soapstone and these options will sustain scratches, so they’re better materials than the seemingly cool laminate. So, whatever you do at the end of the day, choose the material wisely.

It Can Get Chipped

Laminate might look like a material that could, at least, resist breaking, but unfortunately, that’s not true either. Laminate is highly susceptible to breakage and even though it’s not primarily because of impact forces, it’s still quite a letdown.

Usually, the main culprit is temperature which can allow the surface or the sides of laminate to crack and chip, and you know what that means. One small chip can lead to a trail of them in no time and it can ruin the countertops.

So, if you’re considering laminate countertops, then keep this detail in mind, otherwise you will be highly disappointed.

Heat Stains

Speaking of temperatures, high heat and laminate also don’t go together when appearance is concerned. If you put hot pots and pans directly on the surface of laminate countertops, then be prepared to greet hideous heat stains. They’re extremely unpleasant to look at and the worst thing about them is that they are essentially irreversible. You can’t get rid of them no matter what unless you want to change the countertops altogether.

This is highly inconvenient as there are better stones, like granite and quartz that seem unfazed by the rising temperatures in the kitchen. Since natural stones are made under the influence of high temperatures and man-made stones like quartz and engineered stones are reinforced with strength and durability, hot things aren’t an issue for them. However, the same can’t be said for laminate countertops.

Full disclosure though, if you have natural stone or quartz countertops, you should still avoid putting hot pans directly on the surface.

Not Long-Lasting

With the continuous list of downsides of laminate, it won’t come as a surprise to you that this material is also not as long-lasting. Yes, it can last a couple of years, but that’s still not enough to justify the already low price of laminate.

If you’re looking for a countertop material that’s fairly decent in durability, then there are other materials that you can choose from and they won’t have other problems that laminate has. Laminate countertops are the epitome of the saying “You get what you pay for”.

Water Can Damage Them

Water can damage most countertops like natural stones and wood especially if you don’t seal them and laminate countertops aren’t safe from the throes either. It won’t cause the material to disintegrate, per se, but it will lead to water stains and an overall murky appearance that’s not pleasant to look at.

If you let water or spills sit on the surface of laminate countertops for too long, then it could lead to penetration inside the material, and over time, fungus and mold can form, and those are things you certainly don’t want in your kitchen.

Need Professionals For Repair

Considering that laminate countertops are very easy to install, this con might surprise you. Laminate countertops, when damaged, aren’t so easy to repair and you are going to want to have professionals on speed dial if you don’t want matters to worsen even more. Professional repair costs shoot through the roof and they can add up over time, especially if your countertops are always damaged. Not to mention, it also takes some time for the countertops to be reinstalled in the kitchen again, depending on the severity of the damage. So, here’s a question: Are laminate countertops worth going through all of this trouble?

Don’t Look Like The Real Stones

Laminate countertops are marketed as countertops that can mimic almost any material on Earth. Well, this is a huge claim and it is also one of the major selling points of laminate as well. But does it mimic natural stones to the T? No! Some things are just too good to be true and this fact about laminate countertops is one of them.

Even though there is a slight resemblance, you can still tell if the countertops are the real thing or a fake. So, save yourself from the embarrassment.


Even though laminate is a good choice for people who don’t have an elaborate budget, there are better options out there that can look as pretty as well as they function. Contact quartz countertop contractors Rockville and you will find some slabs that are durable and also affordable.



What Are The Best Quartz Countertops Edge Profiles?

Selecting countertop materials can be hard, but the edges are also really crucial to think about. Here are some amazing edge options that will look spectacular on quartz countertops.

Pencil Edge Profile

A pencil edge profile is also called a straight edge and it’s one of the most common edges in quartz countertops. They’re simple, they look clean and minimal and if you’re not sure about a certain style of edge, then this one is a go-to for a lot of people.

It is just like it sounds. A pencil edge is pointed from the top and bottom and the side profile of it looks literally like a slab. This is a wonderful edge design to go for if you’re looking for something minimal and effortless. It’s going to give your countertop or island that element of crisp simplicity.

Eased Edge Profile

This is also like a straight or pencil edged profile, but it’s softened just a touch. The side profile of this edge looks rounded from both of the edges and it’s a lot more subtle than a very obvious pencil edge. This is great if you have kids who bump into things a lot and pencil edges can be quite dangerous because the edges of the countertops are sharp and pointy.

Moreover, eased edges are shaved down to look rounded so they are not only less dangerous than their pointy counterparts, but they can also reduce the chances of breaking and chipping upon impact, so that’s pretty amazing.

Bullnose Profile

Some might think that bullnose and eased edges are the same, but there is a slight difference that plays an important role. Bullnose edges are also rounded and don’t have any pointed edges protruding outwards, but the overall edge is also rounded unlike eased edges where only the edges are rounded and the extremity of the countertop is straight.

The roundness of the bullnose edge gives the countertops a lot more integrity and it prevents premature chipping and breaking because the shape is a lot more forgiving. You can’t go wrong with a bullnose countertop and with quartz, this edge profile is really easy to fabricate, so you’ll be in for a treat.

The only downside to this edge design is the fact that it doesn’t let things stay on top of the surface like water or other fluids. With straight or eased edges, because of the straight extremity, the water or fluid will stop at the edge, whereas in bullnose edges, the water will slide down the rounded extremity. So that is something that you will need to keep in mind.

Half Bullnose Profile

This edge is a cross between a pencil edge and a bullnose edge. The top of the edge is rounded and soft whereas the bottom of the edge is pointy just like a normal edge. This edge is a bit more classy and intricate if you’re looking for a bit of change from those common edge designs, but still want simplicity and ease to shine through.

This edge design can be easily fabricated on strong and durable quartz countertops and you will fall in love with the results. This edge profile looks specifically good on countertops with a darker color, but the choice is ultimately up to you.

Ogee Profile

This kitchen island edge design has a beautiful flair to it and this might just be your new favorite edge for quartz countertops. The top of the countertop edge is shaved into a “C” shape and it droops down into a half bullnose formation. And at the end, the edge is protruding out like a pointed edge.

So, all in all, this edge is a combination of three unique edge designs, but the result is just as wonderful. It’s elegant and regal and it gives off that luxurious vibe when fabricated on a countertop or island.

Beveled Profile

If you’re looking for angular edges because that’s what you prefer, then you can certainly choose a beveled edge profile. The side of this edge is very futuristic. It starts with a slope that’s about 45 degrees and it goes all the way to the bottom of the edge thickness.

This edge is beautiful and it looks amazing on quartz countertops, but you can get it done on any other countertop material as well and the look will be as lovely as ever. If rounded and pointed edges are not your thing, then you certainly want to give this edge profile a go.

Half Bevel Profile

This is also a cross between the normal bevel and the pointed edge design. This edge design is a lot softer than a normal bevel, but it still has that sharp angular look that people know and love. So, you won’t be missing out on anything.

The top of the edge slopes down at a 45-degree angle, but this time, instead of going all the way to the bottom, the slope stops halfway and then it drops down into a pointed edge formation. This combination looks stunning if you want a more prominent design.

Summit Profile

In looks, this design can be similar to a half bevel, but it’s so much more than that when you do a side-by-side comparison. A summit edge starts with an angular steep at about 45 degrees and it stops at 1/4th of the thickness. After that, the design is straight and it goes all the way down in a pencil edge style. In some cases, at 3/4th of the thickness, the design can change again and mirror the top.

Boulder Edge Profile

This design will be highlighted beautifully if you have thicker countertops, so it will look stunning on a kitchen island. The boulder design is something similar to a rounded edge, but it’s double layers.

The design starts with a “C” shaped curve and then the edge drops down into a rounded bullnose formation, and after that, there’s another more protruding rounded bullnose and this is what gives this edge a wonderful layered effect that is absolutely beautiful.

If you have thicker countertops, then certainly consider this edge profile because you will be wowed. Because of the layering, this design doesn’t look the best on thin countertops though.

Basin Edge Profile

The basin edge profile is a wonderful combination of soft and edgy. The edge of the countertop starts with a dragged “C” shape. The curve is not as pronounced and it looks somewhat straight with a slight curve. As the curve ends, the edge tapers up a bit before descending in a rounded tip and it looks absolutely beautiful on darker colored countertops. You can also go for this design with lighter-colored countertops, but the grooves and intricacies will be prominent in darker colors. You will have to see the pictures for yourself to understand the hype of this design.


This rather a protective coat on top of the entire quartz slab to preserve its shine and beauty. This can also add to the shine of your quartz countertop. Moreover, this feature can be used along with any edge profile you want.


If you are considering quartz countertops, then definitely check out these edge designs. They will add a distinct character to your countertops. So, get in touch with quartz countertop contractors Rockville to find out which edge profiles they offer.



Quartz vs. Marble Countertops: How To Pick The Best One?

Granite, marble, and quartz are the most popular countertop materials for kitchens. We have blogged about the differences between granite and quartz in the past, so this time, we’ll determine which one is better among marble and quartz countertops. Let’s begin!

Defining Marble And Quartz Countertops

Marble is a natural stone that is readily available in most parts of the world. There are veins in marble that are due to the presence of minerals during the formation of the rock below the Earth’s surface. These veins add to the beauty of marble countertops.

Quartz countertops are manmade and manufactured using quartz and resins for stone-looking slabs. They are also called engineered stone countertops.

Face Off: Marble vs Quartz


As mentioned before, the appearance of marble slabs is natural due to the minerals underground. They form attractive and beautiful veins in slabs that are unique to each slab. No two marble countertops will have the exact same pattern. So, if you buy a marble countertop, you can be sure there is no other countertop anywhere that will look 100% like the one you’re taking home.

On the other hand, quartz countertops are made in factories so many patterns are manufactured in large quantities. So, it’s possible that you and your neighbor or friend end up with the same-looking quartz countertop without the knowledge of each other’s purchase decisions.

However, the color choice with quartz countertops is virtually endless because any sort of pigment can use for the desired color and pattern. So, although quartz countertops are not unique to each slab, the vast color choices ensure enough diversity. Moreover, there are quartz countertops available that appear similar to natural stones like marble and granite.

Winner of this round: Marble countertops for their unique and gorgeous appearance.

Heat Resistance

Marble is a metamorphic stone. This means that it’s made underneath the Earth’s surface with immense pressure and high temperature – among other factors. So, the heat resistance of marble countertops is higher than quartz countertops.

However, you should avoid putting hot pans on the surface of either type of material because even though marble’s heat resistance is high, it might stain with hot pans. The same is true for quartz countertops. Putting hot pans will leave stains on the beautiful surface of your quartz countertop.

Winner of this round: Marble countertops.


Quartz countertops resist stains and etching while marble countertops are prone to these problems. Why? Because marble is made of calcite and it reacts with acidic spills that lead to etching. Moreover, calcite allows spills to be absorbed and results in staining.

So, even if you don’t use any acidic things in your kitchen, the usage of common items like tomatoes, sauces, and lemon juice can also etch and stain the surface. Over time, the marble surface will appear dull and unattractive.

Moreover, marble countertops are considered soft and they can crack easily compared to quartz and even granite. On the Mohs scale of mineral hardness, marble received a 3 while quartz got a 7. The higher the rating, the harder and more durable the material is.

Due to this, stunning is more common in marble countertops as well. Stunning means white marks left due to the fall of a heavy item on the countertop surface. Quartz countertops are more resistant to these problems.

Winner of this round: Quartz countertops.


Marble is a natural stone and all natural stones are porous. This is one of the reasons, marble countertops are more susceptible to stains. Sealing marble countertops is mandatory for avoiding stains and bacteria growth inside the slabs to an extent.

Quartz countertops are non-porous and don’t allow stains to be absorbed by the surface. This means you don’t need to seal your quartz countertop at all.

Winner of this round: Quartz countertops.


It’s established in the above points that marble countertops are prone to etching and staining. Due to this, you need to care for your marble countertops much more than quartz.

If a spill happens, you must clean it right away. If it leaves a stain, you will need a poultice for removing the stain. Moreover, you will need to avoid common household cleaners for cleaning the surface because most of them are acidic and can etch the marble surface. You must use a cleaner made specifically for marble or natural stones.

On top of that, you must seal your marble countertop to make it resistant to stains. The seal can wear off over time, so resealing it every six months is necessary.

With quartz countertops, you can be a bit less attentive to maintenance. They resist stains and etches better than marble and are easier to clean as well. However, you should only use special cleaners safe for your quartz slabs.

In terms of repairs like filling in small chips, you can use an epoxy or resin repair kit for both types of materials. However, you need the services of a professional for bigger cracks. As quartz countertops require less maintenance and are less prone to cracks. This means it will be more likely for you to hire a professional to fix a quartz slab than a marble slab.

Winner of this round: Quartz countertops.


The cost of both marble and quartz countertops is quite similar. However, keep in mind the common rule that you get what you pay for. There are cheaper variants of quartz and marble as well. So, comparing a cheaper variant of quartz with a high-quality variant of marble or vice versa won’t be fair.

Fun fact: Marble and quartz slabs are costlier than granite slabs.

Winner of this round: Tie.

Resale Value

Marble and quartz both are high-end countertop materials. As their cost is similar, their impact on the resale value of your house is also fairly similar. So, whether you install a marble or quartz countertop, it will add value to your house.

If you’re renovating your kitchen or home for sale, check the real estate listings to find out which type of countertop material is desired by the buyers in your locality.

Winner of this round: Tie

Outdoor Use

Marble and quartz are excellent countertop choices for indoor kitchens, but are they as good for outdoor kitchens? You may be surprised to know that both these materials don’t hold up well when exposed to outdoor elements like sun exposure, rain, snow, and temperature changes.

If you love stone countertops and don’t want any other material, then choose granite because it’s more durable than marble. And for outdoors, it’s way better than quartz as well. Other options for your outdoor kitchen are concrete and tiles.

Winner of this round: Tie. (We’re not comparing granite with these materials, otherwise, granite is the winner along with concrete.)


To sum it up, marble countertops are absolutely stunning when it comes to aesthetics, but they require quite a lot of maintenance and are also more prone to chipping and staining than quartz. Quartz on the other hand is more durable than marble but is a bit behind marble in terms of visual appeal. Discuss your preferences with a quartz countertop contractor Potomac to go with the countertop option that is right for you.